Thursday, 31 March 2022

March in Review...

Sewing Projects

It was a busy month at the sewing machine.  Well, compared to recent months.  Being totally smitten with the vintage Diane Von Furstenberg pattern that came into my sewing world last month, there were more wrap dresses that came off the sewing machine.  Some sewing for the church and a few projects using left over fabric.  Oh and socks!  I've been busy sewing up socks.  Three pairs of cotton knit socks and ten pairs of wool socks.  Some of those socks have been gifted.  Same with the knit top and reusable grocery bag.  Oh, and that jean jacket project discarded months ago, it made it back to the sewing table.  

Stash Busting

All of this month's sewing projects were created with fabric found in the stash.  The Mondrian printed cotton knit has been in my stash since 2019.  It was one of those pieces that I was scared to cut into for quite some time.  The black knit fabric was completely forgotten about until it was pulled from deep in the stash.  To be completely honest I can't remember when it made it in there.  The denim also from the stash circa unknown.  The purple striped polyester was provided to me to sew the table runners for the church and the rest of the projects were made with left-over scraps.  

Destashed this month:  10+ metres of fabric, 5 metres of Knit 'N Stable, 1 metre of interfacing, 2 jean buttons, 4 spools of thread.  

What's Next?  

Well, I'm thinking about sewing some of the linen that I have in my stash.  It's been there for years.  And I'm thinking about sewing an eyelet dress inspired by this photo I saw last year.  

There is some purple eyelet fabric that I can use for a shirt dress option.  I haven't settled on a pattern yet.  Any suggestions?  

Before I get into sewing warmer weather clothes, I do have one more cardigan jacket, Butterick 6495, to sew and gift to someone special.  That's top of my list. 

Stay Safe and Keep Sewing!  


  1. Impressive and each project so well done. Love those socks.

  2. I love that you went on your sock tangent! :) Handmade socks are just better...I love the black cardigan and denim jacket. Very nice addition to the wardrobe.

    I thought of NL6651 though it buttons all the way, not just halfway like the (beautiful!) inspiration dress. M7834 is another option!


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...