Friday, 11 March 2022

Lent Sewing: Table Runners

What started off as being a request for paraments (alter and pulpit cloths along with table runners) was edited down to three table runners.  

There just wasn't enough fabric (just shy of six metres) for everything that was on the wish list.  And the fabric provided for the project was a light-weight crinkled polyester fabric with some drape.  Not the idea fabric for possibly getting away with a single layer table runner.  So, it was two layers stitched together, turned and pressed.  I think that pressing it with some starch might give it some more body but it might also distort the crinkled texture of the fabric.  I'll leave the pressing issue to another volunteer.  

Sewing table runners might sound like an easy peasy sewing project.  But there were challenges.  The biggest was cutting it out.  The church basement and some folding tables provided ample space to lay out the fabric.  The challenge was cutting out the light-weight slippery polyester in a straight line.  That took some time and a steady hand hampered by a bout of arthritis in my thumb that has been acting up recently.  I'm giving all the credit to God that it was done.  

I cut the pieces about an inch wider than needed so that I could stitch the two end and one lengthwise seam first.  Then I laid out the runner and trimmed down to a 17" width + 5/8" seam allowance for the opposite lengthwise seam.  This way, I tried my best to have a smooth seam with a fabric that was a little slippery to work worth.  The extra work was worth it because they did turn out well despite working with a challenging fabric.  There is one more to make, this last one will have a 16" width.  But for now, I'm going take a break and hopefully finish the last one this weekend.  

Project Details

Seams:  2.8 straight stitch

Seam finish:  None

Fabric:  Provided by the church

Pattern:  None

Additional Tools & Supplies:  Folding tables, cutting table, clapper (used as a weight), pins, scissors, pin cushions, thread clippers, iron, ironing board, measuring tape, pad of paper, calculator, pen, tailor's chalk, sewing machine, walking foot, thread and thread clippers

Stay Safe & Keep Sewing!

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