Sunday, 16 May 2021

Me Made May 2021: The Weekend Edition, Days 14, 15 and 16


Friday was one of those days that I had nothing to wear. It happened on the day that students were learning about hyperbole in their poetry class. 

My body was revolting at the thought of anything too tight and everything was too tight. It didn't help that my loose fitting pieces of clothing were sitting in the laundry. Even my feet and ankles were in pain and swollen by the end of the day sending me straight into my pajamas, circa 2020 (top, Butterick 6296 and bottoms OOP Vogue 9217) as soon as I got home. I squeezed into the only knit skirt, circa 2020, Vogue 1730 that would go with an oversized shirt, circa 2021, The Assembly Line T:205.  

Saturday was all about catching up!  It was my day to catch up on errands hindered by long pandemic response line-ups at grocery stores, punctuated with desired-items no where to be found and sky-rocketed meat prices.  It looks like it's going to be a vegetarian summer.  Thank goodness I like lentils.  But I digress...

On Saturday, I wore a too-snug RTW black pullover knit dress and leggings, hidden under a loose-fitting cotton knit sweater, circa 2020, OOP Vogue 9215.  My me-made face mask, circa 2020, a Dhurata Davies free downloadable pattern, was worn over top a disposable face mask.  And I brought me-made grocery bags, circa 2021, OOP McCall's 4851, to the store.  Sleepwear consisted of the top part of a pajama set, circa 2017, Butterick 6296 worn with RTW yoga pants since the bottoms have recently been turned into rags.  There are plans to sew another pajama bottom in a navy cotton sateen that I have in the stash. One day when my sewing mojo returns.  

Spent some time cooking and tending to the outdoor plants after switching over my closet to spring summer clothes and removing the items that no longer fit.  The feet are doing better today and I was happy I was able to slide them into a pair of runners.  A simply comfortable shirtdress, circa 2018, Simplicity 8687. Silk pajamas, circa 2020, top Butterick 6296 and bottoms, OOP Vogue 9217.  

Stay Safe and Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I found you while I was on Pattern Review researching Vogue 1569-the Peralta skirt. I am doing a MMM21 this year on IG for the first time-a very slim down version-2 or 3 pics a week. Take care, Terri G


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...