Saturday, 25 April 2020

In Sewing News Today...

There is more charity sewing in the works.

But first I had to clean up the work table.

There was cotton fabrics all over the place as I tried to find enough yardage for the scrub caps.

I have cotton fabric.

Lots of it.

Mostly for sewing microwave cozies.

Most were too short in the length for the caps.

One pirate print was nixed when I asked what was though of it.

Sacrificed some beautiful Japanese cotton I had pretreated for a shirt.

It was worth the sacrifice.

It was a joy to work with the Japanese cotton.

And the scrub caps in the Japanese cotton turned out so well.

Less stiff than the ones made in the quilting cotton.

Not all cotton fabrics are the same.

I now need to make four more face masks.

But I can't find the face mask pattern pieces.

This sort of thing happens when I clean up the work table.

I'm sure they will pop up with I finish sewing the masks.

Went to reprint the pattern.

I noticed that there were some small changes.

There is a Craft Passion watermark on the pieces.

And adjustments to the seam allowances.

Glad I lost the pattern.

The new edited version looks better.

It's important to notice these small blessings.

Stay Safe and Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

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