Wednesday, 9 November 2011

New adventures...

This week I am embarking on new adventures. I quit my job and Monday was my last day at the school. I know, I just finished the Vogue 8577 dress last night! I blogged about it here as Project #2 that would be perfect for work. Oh well.

I thought with all the change that is going on, I was in need of some slow down and take a deep breathe moment. I'm frantically trying to find a job stat. But I scheduled in some movie and me time and caught the afternoon showing of Anonymous. I loved it by the way.

Before the show I had a few moments to browse through McNally Robinson, the local bookstore. And guess what I found!

Pattern Magic and Pattern Magic 2. I wasn't even looking for it. I just happened to come across it. I looked for it in the local library without any success. I was beyond thrilled to find these. I can't wait for the new adventures in sewing these books inspire.

I wanted to get my hands on the books ever since I seen this green dress with the bow. Isn't it stunning?

I don't know when I'm going to have the time to sit down and start drafting the patterns. Instead, I need to be concentrating on drafting cover letters and resumes right now. But I can tell you that I can't wait for these new sewing adventures to take place.    



  1. Great find with those books. Obviously it was meant to be!

    Good luck job hunting. I know the headache you're about to embark on, so I hope you find something quickly and smoothly. :)

  2. Thanks Heather for the good luck wishes. Hopefully something soon will come up. I was thrilled when I came across the books and when I wasn't specifically looking for them this time.


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...