Saturday, 31 July 2021

July in Review...

July certainly flew by!  On the sewing front there was actually some sewing.  

I'm counting this as complete but to be honest, I still have to hem the wool pants and I have to make some adjustments on the pajama bottoms.  


Fabric:  8.1 metres (July) + 36.1 metres (previous months) + 1 recycled skirt (previous months) = 44.2 metres + 1 recycled skirt

Zippers:  1 - 20 cm regular zipper (July) + 1 55 cm zipper = 2

Buttons:  5 (July) + 18 (previous months = 23 

Seam binding:  0 metres (July) + 10 metres (previous months) = 10 metres

Knit 'N Stable Tape:  0 metres (July) + 9.5 metres (previous months) = 9.5 metres

Twill Tape:  0 metres (July) + 0.5 metres (previous months) = 0.5 metres

Spools of Thread:  2 - 100 metre spools + 1 000 metre spool (July) + 2 800 metres (previous months) = 3 900 metres

Sewing Machine Needles:  0 (July) + 5 (previous months) = 5

Hand Sewing Needles:  0 (July) + 1 (previous months) = 1

Sewing Label:  0 (July) + 1 (previous months) = 1


Fabric:  21.6 metres (July) + 38.7 metres (previous months) = 52.3 metres

Sewing Machine Needles:  0 (July) + 3 (previous months) = 3

Buttons:  0 (July) + 10 (previous months) = 10

Sewing Patterns:  0 (July) + 6 (previous months) = 6

Stay Safe and Happy Sewing!  

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