Saturday, 17 July 2021

In Sewing News Today...

Would you believe that I walked into a fabric store?  

I had a gift certificate in my wallet.

And walked out with nothing in my hands.  


Mind you I would have picked up Wonder Tape if they had any in stock.  

I was tempted by a red twill fabric I saw on sale.  

I thought it would make a cool denim style jacket.

Until I realized that the buttons I wanted would cost a small fortune.  

More than double the cost of the fabric.  

When did buttons get so expensive?  

It kind of turned me off.  

So I put the red twill fabric back.  

It was an impulse project anyway.  

I don't need a red denim style jacket.  

Besides, I need to use what is already in my fabric stash.  

No red, but I do think there is some black cotton twill that might work.

If I ever get my sewing mojo back.  

I'm trying to clear / clean up the sewing work area.  

And I found a pair of wool pants I cut out months ago.  

It might have been cut last year.

Forgot about that project.  

Last year was kind of a blur.  

The front darts were already sewn.  

And a pocket facing pinned in place.  

I rethreaded the the sewing machine with matching thread.  

And sewed the pinned pocket facing.  

That's about as far as I got.  

One pinned pocket facing.  

These pants might take a few more months to complete.  

If I keep up this pace.  

Stay Safe and Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

  1. Since covid many business are experiencing odd stock holes. I waited months for waste canvas to show up but I also couldn't get my white alfredo sauce from any supermarket around here until recently. It disappeared from all of them for about two months. There are just lots of odd things missing in our lives over the past year and now there is inflation which is affecting everything, including our precious sewing supplies. I am so glad I have a bit of back stash to sew. Your mojo will return but the inflation and supply chain aren't helping , are they?


New Blanket: No Pattern Used

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...