Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Visible Mending: For the Love of Plaid

I have this ready-to-wear (RTW) plaid shirt that has been in my wardrobe for many, many moons.  It's been altered about eight years ago and it's still gets worn often.  

It's really comfortable and I like the look of the bias cut plaid and pin-tucking.  One day I'll have to painstakingly take it apart to create a pattern of this top.  But until then I had to attend to a couple of thread bare spots on the left back shoulder area.  For this I thought to do some visible mending.  I've been admiring the projects found on this site and thought I'm not going to try to hide that this is a much-loved shirt that I'm not ready to part with, I'm going to showcase it.  

And I'm good with it.  

Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

  1. when I have to patch holes in my daughter's clothes, I sew on a heart. Also it sometimes acts as a decoration which tells me where the front is.


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