Monday, 2 August 2021

Home Décor Sewing: New Kitchen Curtains

This is a project that has been waiting in queue for a very long time.  More than a year for sure.  Part lost sewing mojo, part dislike of sewing home décor projects and then it finally got to the point where I just needed to get it done.  

During the quiet of the morning, the sewing table was cleared and the meticulous cutting started.  The thread was changed one the serger and sewing machine and then it was straight stitching.  Easy, I know.  So why the dislike of home décor sewing?  Perhaps it is that there is no hiding mistakes once they are hung at the window.  I'm not sure if there are any mistakes in my measuring and cutting.  I sure hope not.  Right now, I'm just going to celebrate that these are done and keep my fingers crossed that the measurements are a precise as I dreamt.  

Project Details

Seams:  2.8 straight stitch

Seam Finish:  Serged

Fabric:  3 metres

Additional Tools and Supplies:  Cutting table, clappers, scissors, measuring tape, measuring gauge, sewing machine, serger, threads, thread clippers, iron, ironing board, tweezers and a cup of Earl Grey tea.  

Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

  1. I won't say I dislike home dec sewing, but do find the size of some projects a bit off-putting. Finding a place large enough to lay out fabric was the biggest thing, followed by double & triple checking my math and measurements. Hefting all that fabric around to sew and press. What I DO like about home dec sewing - no getting it finished and finding the fabric is too hot/cold/plasticy/itchy/has no recovery after a few hours, or the fit is off just enough to make it uncomfortable, no buying home dec items and have them fall apart due to poor stitching and finishing.

    From what I can see, your curtains came out great. I like that fabric.


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