Tuesday, 31 August 2021

August in Review...

August, where did you disappear to so quickly?  This has been a crazy summer.  Restrictions lifted and then reinstated.  Mask mandates lifted to elevated anxiety levels as news reports of the Delta variant taking hold in neighboring regions, only to be reinstated.  Anti-masker and anti-vaxxer protesters turning the election campaign into one ugly scene reminiscent of what we thought of as American style politics only to be awaken to the fact that it's Canadian style ugly politics as well.  Anti-vaxxers stuffing neighborhood mailboxes with pages and pages of doomsday predictions.   

Actually, I'm happy to see August move into distant memory and I shutter to think what the final half of the election will bring.  There is so much hatred and anger displayed in the news, in what seems to be about pandemic restrictions and mask mandates.  I long for kindness and a world where kindness was the norm.  I'm sick of debating about the good of wearing a face mask.  Or watching a volunteer at a hospital or employee at a store take abuse from someone spewing their angry distaste for precautions we're asked to take.  I long to bear witness to kindness.   

I long to be sewing things that bring me joy.  These projects brought me some joy.  Sewing joyful colours were just what I needed this month.  


Fabric:  10 metres (August) + 44.2 metres (previous months) + 1 recycled skirt = 54.2 metres + 1 recycled skirt.  

Zippers:  0 (August) + 1 - 20 cm regular zipper and 1 - 55 cm invisible zipper (previous months) = 2

Buttons:  12 (August) + 23 (previous months) = 35 

Seam binding:  0 metres (August) + 10 metres (previous months) = 10 metres

Knit 'N Stable Tape:  0 metres (August) + 9.5 metres (previous months) = 9.5 metres

Elastic:  1 metres (August) + 13 metre (previous months) = 14 metres

Twill Tape:  0 metres (August) + 0.5 metres (previous months = 0.5 metres

Spools of Thread:  1 - 100 metres spool (August) + 3 900 metres (previous months) = 4 K metres

Sewing Machine Needles:  0 (August) + 5 (previous months = 5

Hand Sewing Needles:  0 (August) + 1 (previous months) = 1

Sewing Label:  0 (August) + 1 (previous months) = 1


Fabric:  2.3 metres (August) + 52.3 metres (previous months) = 54.6 metres

Sewing machine needles:  0 (August) + 3 (previous months) = 3

Buttons:  0 (August) + 10 (previous months) = 10

Sewing patterns:  1 (August) + 6 (previous months) = 7

Seam binding:  1 package / 3 metres (August) = 3 metres

Stay Safe, Be Kind & Happy Sewing!  

1 comment:

  1. Estupendas costuras.
    Cuidarnos mucho, paciencia y un mundo de paz. BESICOS.


New Blanket: No Pattern Used

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