Friday, 11 December 2020

The Hundredth Mark: Face Mask Sewing

These four face masks mark a hundred that have been sewn since the spring.  Lately, I've been pushing myself to get these done and move onto something more creative.  

Four more to finish before that will happen. Unless...

Unless, I put aside the face masks and sneak in another project?  But I digress...

The first two are to go in the post and have the ties with a cord stopper.  The last of the cord stoppers in my stash and I don't think that I'll be picking up any more as I want to slow down on the mask making and use what I have in the stash.  The other two have ear elastic.  I would like to hear how they fit before I finish the other four left to do.

The fabrics were pretreated before hitting the cutting table.  These are three layers, the fashion fabric is a quilting cotton and the interior is a cotton muslin.  

Project Details

Seams:  2.4 straight stitch

Seam Finish:  None

Fabric:  1.8 metres (includes interior layer)

Twill tape:  2 metres

Elastic:  0.5 metres

Cord Stoppers:  2 - 1 hole stopper

Pattern:  The Aplat origami design face mask (Free PDF download)

Additional Tools & Supplies:  Computer, printer, paper scissors, tailor's chalk, fabric scissors, pins, sewing machine, seam ripper, safety pin, and coffee.  

Stay Safe and Happy Sewing!


  1. I'm going to try this mask pattern. Do you think it's less likely to fog glasses? Thanks for the details!

    1. Martha, from the three patterns I've tried, this one is the best I've found for preventing glass fogging even when I wear a face shield as well. I also like the Dhurata Davies pattern but it's second to this Aplat pattern for preventing eye-glass fogging.


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...