Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Roses are Red...

Oh my goodness, if you want to practice sewing darts McCall's 9264 is the jacket pattern for you!

There are a total of ten darts. Yes, I typed 10! And that was not a typo.

The bodice front in the picture does not show the darts that well. Sorry for the poor quality of the photograph, the solid red is not photographing well.

But trust me, there are six jacket front darts and four jacket back darts. Thank goodness there are no sleeve darts!

I'm taking a break after sewing all these darts. My back is feeling a bit sore and I don't feel up to the challenge of the collar and easing the sleeves so I think I might actually call it a night.

But before I go... Look at what I dragged out of my fabric stash! I am debating whether or not the floral fabric would work well with the silk jacket when I have it finished. I'm thinking of using the same pattern, McCall's 9264 for the dress. What do you think? Yea, or too much red?  

Maybe I need to sleep on this?

Happy Sewing!


  1. You will be the 'Dart-Queen' when you have finished this jacket! Though, all those darts will make for a beautifully fitted jacket...J...


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