Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Inaugural ceremony...

Tonight was a big night. There was cake and coffee for the inaugural cutting ceremony.

Yes, tonight was the first time that I cut a sewing project using my new cutting table. And the whole event did not end up with Tiger Balm for my back nor reaching for the Tylenol. Words can not express how happy I am with my cutting table.

If I didn't have a sewing project to cut out there would have been wine. But I stayed focussed despite excitement.

The new project is all cut out and ready to sew. It will just have to wait until tomorrow. Right now, it is time for bed.

Happy Sewing!  


  1. Hooray for the inaugural cutting ceremony! What project are you working on?

    1. The next sewing project and the one I cut out is for a men's shirt, McCall's 2447. It will be for one of my brothers. I hope to have some free time to sew this weekend.

  2. Nice table, I'm glad you enjoy it


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