Friday, 29 July 2011

Project What?

Thursday evening was the season 9 premiere of Project Runway. Much to my surprise and relief it won't air on the Canadian networks the same time as in the U.S.  Luckily, I won't be tempted to give up an hour of my life to scripted drama.  

The interest that I initially had in the show has diminished. I'll admit, after last season it finally became obvious to me that the contestant(s) with the creative ideas or talent aren't the ones that the judges seem to want to promote. G-a-a-asp!

I am actually looking forward to the new PR parodies that are soon to follow, and I'll be able to catch those the same time as my American friends. 

I'm facing the sad fact that Project Runway is about television, not designing clothes.

Did awarding Gretchen the top honour last season create a lot of buzz? Certainly! Do you think that the blog-a-sphere would still be buzzing if Mondo won last season? I doubt it.

Finley Peter Dunne said, "there ain't no news in being good". I think that it applies to the reality television, I mean scripted drama, formula that Project Runway was fallen into. Or maybe that formula has always been there and I was too busy drooling over the fabric selection at Mood that the designers had to choose from. Yes, I will miss following the designers into Mood to check out what fabric they chose, but I can also check out Mood's selection here. Problem solved!

Well, here's to less television and more time sewing. Now, I wonder if my sewing time will last past Project Runway season nine's arrival into the Canadian airways?


  1. I do agree with you about the show Project Runway...I was channel surfing last night and came accross the show...and I kept surfing...the show isn't about talent and's like the rest of the reality TV's about sponsers and ratings....too bad isn't the cartoon

  2. Thanks, I thought the cartoon was funny. It is too bad, I was a fan of the show when it first aired and for more than a few seasons after that. I'm over it now, but I will admit I did read the New York Times piece on the first episode that aired last night. Curiosity got the better of me.


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