Wednesday, 10 August 2022

No Pattern Needed: Cell Phone Protector / Cover

With an idea, tools and supplies anything is possible.  

Once the idea popped into my head, this project took less than an hour from start to finish.  There was no pattern needed.  I just needed a ruler and the cell phone to measure, trace and cut out some left over cork I had sitting in the stash.  

The interior is filled with cardboard for protection and there is a sleeve to slide the cell phone into before it folds over like a book.  

It's secured closed with a Velcro™ strap that wraps around.  There is nothing fancy about this project, just practical sewing and trying to use what I have on hand.  

The cork fabric was locally sourced at Northwest / Marshall Fabrics many moons ago.  It is left over from a handbag and eye glass case project.  I'm unintentionally creating matching cork accessories.  

Project Details

Seams:  2.8 straight stitch

Fabric:  0.20 metres

Velcro™:  5 cm strip

Additional Tools & Supplies:  Cutting table, measuring tape, ruler, cardboard, pen, scissors, sewing machine, walking foot, thread and coffee.  

Happy Sewing!

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