Monday, 11 March 2013

Ahead of Schedule!

I shouldn't be this happy. My shoulder is killing me and my right knee is all swollen.  No, I didn't go out and do some urban skiing this weekend, I did some serious marathon sewing. And despite feeling sore, I feel great about having all this sewing done.

I'm happy to report that my Lenten Sewing Projects are done and I'm free to get to work on Vogue 1325 pants, Vogue 8876 Marcy Tilton's dressButterick 5891 the kAtheRine Tilton top, Mama R's dress. Come to think about it I guess I'm not free to do some for-me-sewing just yet. Sew much to sew, sew little time.  

I can't believe that I finished sewing all those purificators, fifty in total. And on top of that I managed to fix the bias trim on the vestment. I'm celebrating with a cup of java and a tylenol.

To fix the vestment, I found some metallic single fold bias tape. Who knew there was such a thing as metallic bias tape? Have you sewn with this product before? It is just like sewing lame fabric, tricky.

This is not fun stuff to sew. I found it to be very delicate and fragile. I was stitching pieces together (I needed a total of seven metres) and found that it frayed when I was sewing on the diagonal. And it snags easily. Some cuts of the bias tape were sacrificed while I tried to get it done right.

I had to change the needle to a sharp in order to lessen the amount of pulling on the lame fabric. Yup, this stuff is tricky to sew.

The thread I used is a 100% polyester in a perfect metallic match. Also very delicate and fragile. I found that I had to rethread the sewing machine a few times during the sewing process. In the end, I think it turned out well despite all the challenges.

Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

  1. Good going on finding the bias tape. I have used the thread before, but didn't know the bias tape existed.

    God bless.


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...