Sunday, 10 March 2013

You'll never believe it...

Check me out!

Can you believe that I walked into a fabric store yesterday looking for one item and walked out with only that said item? It's true.

I will admit that I did look around at the new spring/summer fabrics that are filling the aisles with various discounted prices. That was it, I just looked. I know, shocking!

There might be hope for me yet to pull off some stash busting numbers to be proud of despite having stumbled along the way. Who knows, stranger things have happened.

Happy Sewing!


  1. Wow, I don't think that has *ever* happened to moi!

  2. It has happened to me, not very often but when it does I think it is a good thing, I am on a stash reduction for the year and so far , well lets just say that I have not always been good but I am getting there

  3. I think You may have the spring flu....

  4. Haha, I walk into a store with the mantra of "one thing you need, one thing for fun...". My bank balance hates me for it! All kudos to you, now we just want to see what you make with this mystery fabric!


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

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