Friday, 1 March 2013

Guess what came in the mail!

Super happy yesterday when I discovered what came in the mail, Vogue 1378. It is a Donna Karan design from 1994.

I've made both skirts in the past but the pattern that is in my stash is no longer my size. Well, I found one that will fit me once again.  

Better yet, I still have some red plaid wool that I used to make skirt B. There is about 2 metres of this 144 cm plaid left and I only need 1.7 metres. Just when I thought I couldn't get any happier, I was proven wrong.

I'll be able to stash bust this piece of fabric and end up with a once loved skirt. I think I need to pour a glass of port to celebrate.

Can you believe this fabric is older than my original copy of this pattern? I picked up this gorgeous wool plaid fabric while living in Toronto, a long time ago. Goodness, how I miss the fabric selection in that town. But I digress...

Of course, this project will have to go on the back burner for some time while I get to some of the other projects that are waiting to be finished and those pants that I want to start.

Happy Sewing!  


  1. How lucky are you to have kept this fabric, just for the right skirt! Will look super made up...again...J

  2. What a neat pattern/fabric story! How exciting, to be able to reproduce a well-loved garment. :D

    Living in Whitehorse, I sure do miss the fabric selection in Winnipeg. lol

  3. That is a lovely combination- I can't wait to see it!


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