Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Me Made May 2023: From the Me Made Collection (Part III)

Another rainy day calls for flannel and wools.  

Today I tried to wear a favourite cotton sateen skirt, OOP Vogue 1247, but it didn't last as I was bloated and it just felt uncomfortable.  Some clothes I want to wear, but ease and comfort have more importance now-a-days with the unpredictability of my body shape.  Elastic waistbands are my saving clothing feature.  

A new t-shirt added to the me-made selection and collection of comfortable cotton wears.  

A cool start to the day is reflected in my clothing choices.  Perhaps, a pair of pants might have been a better choice.  

The end of the Victoria Long Weekend was a quiet day spent at home cooking meals for the freezer and baking a Lemon Banana bread loaf.  

The first part of the day was spent cutting the grass in jeans and a me-made t-shirt (no shown here).  And then after a mid-day bath it was into a me-made outfit.  

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