Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Mending and Fixing in 2022

Mending continues to be a big trend in 2022, even the local sewing hub is offering mending workshops.  That is so amazingly great to see!  Yes, even though I once upon a time said I prefer to sew something from scratch rather than mend or alter, or something along those lines, I did actually sit down and do some mending and fixing during the year.  And I didn't hate it.  

There were wool socks that were saved in October.  

Expensive wool socks that I didn't want nor need to replace with the help of a little mending.  I actually enjoyed the quiet time spent extending the life of these toasty toe warmers.  

There was some patchwork on a patchworked blanket done in September.  

This handbag was repaired with a new strap in May.  

And various clothing pieces made it to the mending and repair pile for some simple hole repair or re-attaching buttons.  And then there was a turtleneck dress that was fitting a little too snug that I sourced the fabric to be made into some hats for a charity project.  I have a pile of wool pants that no longer fit that are waiting to be turned into another project.  I'm just trying to think of what they will become...

Happy Sewing!  
And Happy Mending!  

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Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

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