Saturday, 12 December 2015

In Sewing News Today...

The early spring patterns from McCall's were released this week. Spring. I haven't got around to the fall clothes I want to make. Regardless, it is always fun to check out the new sewing pattern releases but there is something about McCall's patterns that makes me feel old and out-of-the-loop. Like these types of patterns:

McCall's 7340

Yeah, Yaya Han. No clue about this whole genre of patterns and what-not.  

McCall's 7341
I first spotted Yaya Han patterns around Halloween on the McCall's website and thought it was well, for Halloween. But apparently not. I'm going to chalk this up to not being a sci-fi gal and from the pre-video game era. And then Barbara from Sewing on the Edge posted this and I felt like I found another community of like-minded sewing-folks within the sewing community. Although, it is fun to see what the young ones are sewing.

Now, this Nancy Zieman pattern is more my speed. Give me comfort and a pair of birkenstocks over fantasy, padding and bunion-making heels any day. Yup, I'm embracing my oldness.

McCall's 7331
Talking about sewing-folks within the sewing community, I did have the pleasure of meeting Sox from Finished Threads this week. I knew of Sox via the blog and she was kind enough to send me a message a little while ago when I was whining about the pain in my wrist. Thank you again for reaching out.

Sox recommend a physio-therapist who has been an absolute gift. Get this, this wonderful  physiotherapist is a fellow sewer and she gets it when I described the pain and swelling that interferes with my enjoyment of sewing. This week, I was sitting in the waiting room reading a book when Sox happened to be sitting near by and asked if I might be me. Small world. It was pretty cool to meet her in person and personally thank her for the recommendation.

Pysio-therapy has been helping enormously, the swelling in my wrist and hand was not from tendonitis so another brace was prescribed, and it has made a world of difference.  

In other sewing news, the show went on and the kids were perfect. I almost had a heart-attack when one of the kids had their costume laying on the floor and the fact that it's cotton and visions of wrinkles and ironing popped into my head. Thankfully, children fill the room with the cutest things they say, laughter filled the room, and the costume was hung up before any wrinkles could set in. Mental note:  never sew angel costumes in cotton fabric.  


This week's holiday busy-ness was punctuated with seven little words uttered the morning of the Advent concert. A co-worker asked me if I would mend a jacket. Not even a "good-morning" or "how are you?" just a "I have a favour to ask you." Those seven little words are never a good sign. ~sigh~ Nothing says Merry Christmas like "will you mend my clothes?" As if I didn't have enough on my mind that morning. But I digress...  

I don't like mending my own clothes, never mind someone else's. I don't get people sometimes (I'm going to chalk it up to holiday craziness taking hold), I would never ask someone to do my household chores. But people seem to think it is okay to ask me to do theirs, why? I think that is why I'm so beat, I just can't figure some people out and I'm exhausted with people asking me to sew for them. People need to stop. Like right now! I need to start collecting business cards from seamstresses who actually are looking for this type of work just when these scenarios happen because people have no clue the amount of work that goes into mending and the insane pile of my own mending. Come to think of it. Maybe I should take some of my mending in to get mended.  

Would that be bad?  

Anyway, I wish you all a wonderful and relaxing weekend before all the Christmas craziness settles in and may all you holiday sewing be fun.  

Happy Sewing!  


  1. If you are working in a school like I do this kind of co-worker comment is completely part of the craziness of this time of year. One co-worker thought she would tell me that I should wear lipstick....Hang in there!!!

    1. I'm speechless when people say things like that, I once was belittled by a co-worker because of my decision to let my hair go grey. And their fashion / hair advice was in no way sought. Things that make you go hmmm.

  2. Yaya-Han! I was intrigued, and amused. Of all the spring patterns in this early release, I love the knit dress with the cross over bodice. I am sure to grab that pattern during a sale. Have a wonderful holiday Graca.

    1. Thank you Mary, you too. Happy holidays!

  3. I was thrilled to meet you too! I love the dress and sweater you were wearing.
    If people ask me if I would sew something for them I just tell them I am so far behind that it may take six (nine, twelve) months (which is true). If they persist, I tell them I charge $50(75,100) per hour plus materials (because I would if they are taking away my 'me' time ) and I won't guarantee it will fit. They generally lose interest at that point. As for repairs, I tell them to take it to Mike's Tailors on St Mary's. I've taken some of my own things there if I can't figure out how to do it myself. My sanity and happiness is worth it.

    1. Thanks, the outfit I wore were a combination of patterns. The skirt was Marcy Tilton's Vogue 9060 (most comfortable skirt ever), the top was Butterick 6182 and the sweater was McCall's 6844. Thanks for the advice and chuckle, I'm going to try that next time. And Mike's Tailors, another neighbourhood business I'll have to check out.

  4. I get request like that too, and it always somewhat surprises me. They find out that I know how to sew, and wham, Oh I need to have some pants hemmed. I have developed a blank look to respond to those requests and then recommend the dry cleaner's, as I think they do alterations. If further explanation is required, I laugh and say, Oh, I only hem my own or dear relatives that appreciate it.

    1. That reminds me I have a pair of pants to hem for Papa R. Request came from Mama R. Now, I will always sew or do alterations for them.

  5. I love that you put mending in the chore category. I also hate doing my own mending. I was thinking that a clever answer would be to say yes and ask them to scrub your bathroom while you do the mending. That way it is trading one chore for another! Haha, that would probably drive away all requests for favors.

    1. I like that answer.
      Plus, I'm always amazed that people think their repairs should be a higher priority than your own.

    2. Lol, that is too funny. I should do that just to see the look on their face. Still laughing...


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