Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2014 Sewing Goals

Happy New Year!

Wow, it is that time of the year where you reflect and try to do a wee bit better. This year I'm not going the route of sewing resolutions. That was just silliness. Who was I kidding trying to give up adding to my fabric stash?

But I do have some sewing goals that I would like to accomplish.


✄ Make some well-fitting undies. And then make some more.
✄ Make a Channel-esque jacket.
✄ Learn and incorporate more tailoring and couture techniques into my sewing (more slow sewing).
✄ Finish that damn quilt!

How about you, do you have any sewing goals or resolutions for the new year?

Happy Sewing!


  1. Finish that damn quilt! LOL ... yeah, I should do that myself. Happy New Year!


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