Wednesday, 24 June 2020

In Sewing News Today...

The pandemic continues to have a presence in my sewing. There's still face mask sewing. 

This one came about from scraps after I cut out some scrub caps out of this Japanese cotton fabric.  

And there has been countless sewing bloopers. I'm just pushing myself to get things done lately. It leads to more than expected time with the seam ripper.  

I did take a break from pandemic related sewing projects to work on a new coat pattern and wearable toile. But even garment sewing has been a challenge that requires seam ripping work.  

Talking about testing new patterns, I stopped by the fabric store yesterday to pick up some muslin to test out another. When did muslin get so expensive? Seventeen dollars and ninety-nine cents a metre plus taxes at five metres would cost too much for a test garment. The last time I made a trip to Northwest / Marshall Fabrics for muslin I paid no more than three dollars a metre. If I knew the price increase was that much I wouldn't have made the trip and lined up to get into the store during a pandemic.  

And there still seems to be a shortage of elastic. This sign was found in the elastic section of a local Fabricland store. Narrow width elastic still seems to be a challenge to find. Even Northwest / Marshall Fabrics has the notions section blocked off and you have to give your request to a sales person who will find and retrieve it for you if it's in stock.  

The pandemic certainly has changed sewing and the feelings associated with the hobby. Being in a fabric store yesterday was certainly stressful as people were not socially distancing and following rules. My head and heart is just not into this hobby right now. With the price increases and difficulty finding certain supplies, I'm finding it hard to get excited about future projects at this time.  

I'll keep sewing and clear off the projects that I have committed to finishing. But I rather just curl up and read a book than spend time at the sewing machine.  

Stay Safe, Be Kind and Happy Sewing!


  1. I’m seeing huge leaps in the cost of everything. Maybe trying a new sewing activity would help lift you. Small or smallish decorative pieces with appliqué done 4 or 5 ways, some thread stuff, couching, trapunto. Snippets of fabrics sewed onto a base to make new fabric. No goal, just color and texture. It can be very freeing.

  2. That sounds like a great idea Barbara. I may give that some serious consideration in the near future.

  3. Costs seem to be rising on absolutely everything.

    God bless.


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...