Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Me-Made-May 2016: The Final Stretch

Well, Me-Made-May 2016 is closing and I did manage to wear at least one me-made item each day this month. No big deal there. It was an insightful exercise for discovering where some future makes might fill a hole or two in my wardrobe. So, it goes down that maybe I should make some knickers, a new robe, and more pj's.

Wednesday, May 25th, I wore 2 me-made items.
Workwear:  RTW black knit dress; black and white top (Katherine Tilton design), Butterick 5891; RTW undergarments (knickers and bra).

Day and Nightwear:  Home sick by noon promptly proceeded with a change into my nightshirt, OOP McCall's 6600; RTW wool socks.
Accessories:  Black handbag; Mephisto black suede slip-ons; Ray Ban sunglasses.
Lessons learned:  Feeling too sick to think straight.  

Thursday, May 26th, I wore one me-made items.
Sick day:  Blue and black plaid nightshirt, OOP McCall's 6600; RTW knickers.
Nightwear:  Blue and black plaid nightshirt, OOP McCall's 6600.
Accessories:  None.
Lessons learned:  Still feeling too sick to think straight.

Friday, May 27, I wore three me-made items.
Workwear:  Blue knit dress, Vogue 9060 and Vogue 1312; yellow cardigan; RTW undergarments (knickers and bra); RTW black spring coat.

Accessories:  Black leather handbag; black wrist brace; tan coloured wedge shoes.
Lessons learned:

Saturday, May 28, I wore two me-made items.

Accessories:  None
Lessons Learned:  When you're sick, it is easy to spend the whole day in bed without disrupting your evening sleep.  

Sunday, May 29, I wore three me-made items.
Weekend wear:  Black and white knit skirt, OOP Butterick 5790; RTW black sleeveless knit top; RTW black knit cardigan; RTW undergarments (knickers and bra).  

Accessories:  Black Mephisto slip-ons, black leather handbag; wrist brace.  
Lessons Learned:  Some of my favourite items to wear were made from OOP patterns.  

Monday, May 30, I wore three me-made items.  
Workwear:  Black sateen skirt, OOP McCall's 7870; RTW black and white polka dot top; RTW undergarments (knickers and bra).  
Accessories:  Black Mephisto slip-ons; black leather handbag; black wrist brace.  
Lessons Learned:  Too tired to think.  

Tuesday, May 31, I wore two me-made items.  
Workwear:  Burgundy shirtdress, OOP Butterick 5760; RTW undergarments (tights, bra, knickers); RTW black spring coat.  

Nightwear:  Black and blue flannel plaid nightshirt, OOP McCall's 6600; RTW knit pants; RTW socks.  
Accessories:  Black leather handbag; blue umbrella; burgundy Hunter rain boots; tan coloured leather sneakers.  
Lessons Learned:  I learned that I can really use some me-made knickers, a new robe, and some more pj's.  

Happy Sewing!  

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