Saturday, 21 May 2016

In Sewing News Today...

Happy Victoria Day Long Weekend!

I should be enjoying the long weekend but instead I'm recovering from another sinus and throat infection. It has been a rough week. 

Let's just say there hasn't been a whole lot of sewing going on. Instead, I've been lying in bed trying to think where in the world I put down Simplicity 2372. Yup, Mama R's favourite pattern. 

I've misplaced it. And the sad part is that there are no retailers that sell Simplicity patterns in the city. And would you believe that it is more economical to pick up this pattern from an Etsy seller than from the Simplicity pattern website? That might be because I'm not tempted to throw in Simplicity 8046 as well.  

Maybe it is a good thing that no one in the city sells Simplicity patterns because this would likely have become an impulse purchase. Don't need another dress pattern. Don't need another dress pattern. But it is cute. Well, I did pick up another copy of Simplicity 2372 because of all the patterns Mama R's favourite dress pattern is the most important one in the collection. Who knows, by the time it arrives I might have found it and I won't have to alter those shoulder seams again. Have you ever lost a cherished pattern? It certainly has caused a few sleepless nights.

In other sewing news, Fabricland is celebrating the long weekend with a big sale. I received a email notification that there is a sale on wool. Really? I want a near-by, local fabric store that will sell sewing patterns and fabric not one that is turning into a craft and home decor store. It makes me feel nostalgic for the days when there were more near-by options in the city and when I could pick up a Simplicity pattern without paying an arm and a leg in shipping cost and exchange rates. You know in the by-gone days. Is sewing a dying art? Regardless, I do hope to get some sewing in this weekend [fingers crossed]. It is not a dying art around here.

Well, that's all in sewing news today....  Have a lovely weekend.

Happy Sewing!

Update:  I found it! And I was able to cancel the order. Phew! Boy, it is amazing what you can find when you start tidying up the workspace.

1 comment:

  1. I discovered a month or two ago that you can buy downloadable PDF Simplicity & New Look patterns from this website Yeah it means pasting and taping and swearing, but the prices are pretty good, and I love the instant gratification aspect. Another option for us Canucks.


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