Saturday, 31 December 2016

December & Year End Review

Hello lovely people. First off, I would like to wish every one a happy new year. I don't know about you, but I'm ready to say good-bye to 2016. Here is to wishing everyone a healthier 2017 filled with fun in the sewing room. May all your 2017 dreams come true!   


This month, I really pushed myself to get sewing done. Snow storms forced me to finish up a winter coat and I was busy with Christmas sewing right up until the last minute.

Top L to R:  Lynn Mizono dress, Vogue 1455; Marcy Tilton coat, Vogue 8934; more microwave bowl cozies; little girls' robe, out-of-print (OOP) vintage McCall's 9278, wool and cashmere pants, Simplicity 2372; cotton double breasted boys' robe, OOP vintage McCall's 9278; silk top, OOP Butterick 5561; Reversed side of the Lynn Mizono dress.  
Year-end Sewing report:  

This year I managed to sew a total of eighty-four items.  
☛  17 dresses
☛  11 tops
☛  1 coat
☛  1 cape
☛  29 microwave cozies
☛  2 pairs of pyjamas
☛  3 robes
☛  6 pairs of pants
☛  3 jumpers
☛  5 skirts
☛  2 baby onesies
☛  1 jacket
☛  1 necklace
☛  2 pillows

Not all of these items were for me, there were items gifted to others and of course, there was some sewing for Mama R.  

RTW Fast:

I'm happy to report that I'm finishing the year without any RTW purchases this final month.  Woohoo!

The Stats:

Looking back at the stats maybe next year's goal should be to sew just from my fabric stash?

Quantity Used from the stash this Month 
Quantity Used this Year
Added to the Stash this year
Basting Tape
1.88 metres
Bias Tape
7.41 metres
Cord Stopper
2.3 metres
13.3 metres
5 metre
16.3 metres
105.45 metres
95.7 metres
Fusible Tape
22.10 metres
Hand needles
Hook and Eyes
2.1 metres
7.8 metres
10 metres
Lace trim
Pattern (new)
Pattern (previously used)
3 metre
9.0 metres
2 metres
Serger needles
Serger thread
Sewing machine needles
1.5 metres
3.3 metres
1.8 metres

Happy Sewing!  

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Wool and Cashmere Pants X's Two

I found a beautiful piece of wool and cashmere fabric at Mitchell's when Mama R express an interest in another pair of pants. Her request was for a pair in black. Boy, haven't we come a long way since this day.

I'm quite thrilled to be making her pants since I know how hard it is for her to find anything in ready-to-wear, never mind finding anything in that landscape that is made with quality fabric. I'll tell you, it's sad out there in the malls. But I digress... 

I totally lucked out on this trip to Mitchell Fabrics. They were having a 30% off sale and after they cut the yardage that I requested, I was offered the rest of the bolt at 50% off. I didn't think that it would be enough to make a second pair of pants but I was wrong. I'm surprised that I was able to squeeze the front and back pieces together and cut two pairs. Who would have thought? I was thinking that I might be able to squeeze another jacket out of the remnant for Mama R, but she said she prefers to have two pairs of pants.

These were made with Mama R's go-to pattern, Simplicity 2372. Easy peasy. I don't know what to say about this pattern except all the pieces are awesome. I did have to shorten the pant legs and extend the waistline but other than that it's a perfect pattern.

I just had to add a label to mark the back on these elasticized pants, as per Mama R's request. Whatever Mama wants.

The Stats:

Fabric:  3 metres (for the two pairs)

Elastic:  1.8 metres (for the two pairs)

Label:  2 (for the two pairs)

Pattern:  Simplicity 2372

Additional Tools & Supplies:  Sewing machine, serger, threads (for the sewing machine and serger), clippers, scissors, pins, safety pins, steam iron, ironing board, cutting table, wrist pin cushion, tailor's ham, coffee, and wrist braces.

Happy Sewing!

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

The Not So Favourite Makes of 2016

Hello lovely people, I'm back again with a look back at 2016. It wasn't all perfect sewing this year. I've had my fair share of sewing bloopers.

#1.  The BCBG Copy-Cat Dress 

Oh yes, this dress. This is McCall's 7402 and I thought it would be the perfect pattern to recreate a look I saw on the RTW landscape. Sometimes I forget that I'm not as tall as those models that the pattern company's hire to photograph in their creations.  It was an epic fail on me.  

#2.  It All Worked Out In the End Dress

Okay, this one, OOP Butterick 5760, is still in my wardrobe and even though there were quite a few mistakes that occurred during the creation of this shirtdress, it really did turn out in the end. It is my reminder to don't give up. No one notices the patched up cut under the collar or the interior pockets that had to be mended and patched up.  

#3.  Grrrr!

This was my first 2016 attempt at making a wrap dress with a new pattern. I found a vintage wrap dress pattern, OOP Vogue 7014, without a waistline seam and thought I found the holy grail of wrap dresses. I was wrong, it needed tweaking as it still hugged my body in places I wish it didn't, revealing body bits I didn't want to reveal. I didn't give up there were more versions to come.  I'm just sad that I used up this animal print knit fabric.  

#4.  The Betty White Tribute

Oh yes, my Betty White tribute outfit in pink velour. What was I thinking? Well, they do make comfy pyjamas. The pattern, hold onto your seat, Vogue 9193, was my partner in crime. Yup, this is a Marcy Tilton design. Comfortable, but just not a good look on me.   

#5.  Help, I'm Drowning!

Oh boy, sometimes I goof of the size that I should cut out. This is OOP Vogue 8710, a Katherine Tilton design with a whole lot of ease. I cut a size medium when I should have cut a small or maybe even a extra-small.  

#6.  I'm in Denial of My Body Shape

OOP Vogue 7014 makes another appearance on the list when I didn't account for the right amount of ease. On this second attempt, I omitted the darts, but I still could use more ease, or more sit-ups?   

#7.  Unknown Fibre Content = Unknown Future Problems

I actually like this dress, a creation of using two favourite Vogue patterns. It is the fabric choice that pushes this make onto the not-so-favourite-makes list. This fabric was not listed with any fibre content rather a cute name to describe this horrible fabric. It is called a Techno knit and it did not preform well at all. I like the somewhat spongy feel, the colour, the sheen, and the fact that it was on sale, which fooled me into thinking it was worth my hard-earned money. It pilled and became damaged in noticeable areas and quickly ended up in the trash. Lesson learned, stay away from those man-made mystery fabrics.  

#8.  Long-Armed Robe

Oh my goodness, what was I thinking when I neglected to adjust the sleeve length?  This make is not perfect and will have to be tweaked.  I'm going to have to shorten the hem length so I don't trip and those sleeves.  What was I thinking?

Oh well, I hope you had a good laugh looking back at my 2016 bloopers. I'm not perfect when I'm sewing, but I'm having fun. And that is what it's all about, right?  

Happy Sewing!  

Monday, 26 December 2016

Favourite Makes List: 2016 Edition

Hello lovely people! I hope that all of you who celebrate this time of year were blessed with the love of family and friends while making great memories. No sewing this Christmas weekend, just a look back at some of my favourite makes in 2016.   

#1:  That Red Cape

The red cape became a combination of out-of-print, vintage Simplicity 6680 and Katherine Tilton's Vogue 8863. It is a fav because it was challenge (bound buttonholes and tailoring techniques) and there was such a sense of accomplishment that went with finishing this project.

#2:  Those oh-so-comfortable Dresses!

Vogue 1410 has to be one of my favourite patterns and it was a go-to-pattern through-out the year. I do believe I have four versions of this pattern in my wardrobe and I wear every single one of them. My favourite is the blue floral print one.  

#3.  The Statement Piece

I made this piece from old clothing labels. This year I will be finishing up my third year on a ready-to-wear fast and I have to tell you that it is getting easier to rely on my own ability than spending time sifting through racks of clothing at a store. This piece reminds me of the political and social reasons why I sew and how the fashion industry has changed and is impacting our environment.  

#4.  The Perfect Peplum

After so many failed peplum top attempts over the past few years this winning peplum make had to make it to the list. Vogue 9056 quickly became a treasured pattern.   

#5.  Up-cycled Leather Jacket

Burda 7183 transformed a vintage leather shirt into one of my favourite statement pieces.   

#6.  The Silk Top

This silk fabric was a home decor find and perfect match for Katherine Tilton's Butterick 5891. It makes the favourite list based on the comfort level and the fact that it has pockets. 

#7.  A Top for Mom

This would be my favourite top that I've made for my Mom this year although the silk one was a close second. I like the texture of the crepe, its medium weight and that print. It was made up with out-of-print Butterick 5561.  

#8.  The Cotton Tweed Jumper

This year Lida Baday announced that she would be closing up her design business. I may not be purchasing ready-to-wear clothing as I continued on the RTW fast, but it is sad to hear that a designer who continues to produce quality garments is closing up shop. Luckily, I have a few of her patterns in my collection and I consider her pieces to be timeless. 

#9.  The Winter Coat

You didn't think I was going to end the list without mentioning a Marcy Tilton pattern, did you? Yes, one of her designs made it onto my fav-list. And who would have thought that it would have been for a winter coat. Heck, who would have thought that I would finally make a winter coat? Certainly not I! I'm thrilled with Vogue 8934.  

#10.  Pants for Mom

Making pants for my Mom has to be the most rewarding project that gave me the most joy this year. It is tough for Mom to find a pair of pants that fit. She's a petite woman and lets be serious here for a moment, the selection for elderly people is awful. Its impossible to find something that is comfortable, easy to access and made in quality fabric. Why? I'm happy she finally let me try to make her pants and we're both thrilled that we discovered that we were sitting on a pattern that was perfect, Simplicity 2372.  

So there you have it, my 2016 favourite sewing list. There is more, stay tune for my 2016 blooper list.  

Until then, happy sewing!  

Saturday, 24 December 2016


Talking about miracles on this the most blessed time of the year, Vogue 1455 is done! I woke up this morning and the aches and pains that have been around the last few days are gone. And in all the last minute preparations for Christmas I was able to finish Lynn Mizono's most adorable little girls' dress pattern.  

I'm just sad that I wasn't able to finish it off before my Christmas lay-off from work. My co-worker who is being gifted this for her daughter knows that it is coming. I just wish I was able to give it to her before we parted from work.  

This one is made in a size 2, it will be a little big for the child it is intended for but soon she'll grow into it. Size 2 is the smallest size the pattern comes in so that's what I went with for this project.  

The Stats:

Fabric:   2 metres of assorted cottons

Ribbon:  2 metres

Buttons:  4 - 1/2 inch clear buttons

Pattern:  Vogue 1455

Additional Tools & Supplies:  Sewing machine, serger, hand needle, threads (for the serger, sewing machine and hand-stitching), buttonhole foot, scissors, thread clippers, pins, cutting table, tracing paper, tailor's chalk, wrist and elbow brace, many breaks, tylenol, heating pad, iron, and ironing board.  

Wishing all you who celebrate this time a year many blessings, the joy and company of loved ones and memories to be cherished throughout your life-time.  

Happy Holidays and happy sewing!  

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

I Surrender!

I came home from work with plans to cut out and sew one more item on my Christmas gift list. I got as far as picking out the fabrics and cutting them out. I even started sewing and did one set of buttonholes before I surrendered. 

I'm exhausted, my wrist is swollen, and I've got one big headache. This latest version of Vogue 1455 will have to wait until after Christmas to be finished. And there is a planned trip to the mall instead. Sometimes, you just have to admit defeat. This is one of those times.  

Well, for those of you still stitching through your own Christmas gift list, I wish you happy sewing.  

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Another Item Checked Off the Christmas List

Here's the little gal version of vintage McCall's 9278.

Oh my goodness, I can't decide which one I like more. I can't, they're both cute in their own way.  No buttons on  this version, just a tie belt.  Since my fingers are still sore from turning the tie belt over from yesterday's make, I thought I would take it easy on my fingers and make a ribbon tie belt.   

The trim used on the robe was added to the ribbon.

Just a couple of minor changes to the pattern instructions.  The pattern calls for the collar facing to be turned under at the neckline seam and slip-stitched. Since the serger does a wonderful job finishing the seam edges I stuck to that. And the treatment of the interfacing calls for the interfacing to be fused to the front pieces. I followed the pattern instructions on this for the little boy's version but with this one I fused the interfacing to the facing pieces. I would say that I found pinning and stitching the collar and neckline, it's easier to go with the pattern's instructions.  

Well, I can check off another gift off the Christmas list. One more gift to stitch up tomorrow night.  

The Stats:  

Fabric:  1.4 metres

Interfacing:  0.6 metres (fusible interfacing)

Ribbon:  1 metre

Trim:  1.5 metres

Additional Tools & Supplies:  Sewing machine, serger, threads (for the sewing machine, serger and hand-stitching), hand needle, pins, cutting table, scissors, clippers, walking foot, iron, ironing board, coffee, wrist brace and cookies.  

Happy Sewing!  

Monday, 19 December 2016

Kids Were Stylish Back in 1968

Okay, kids are pretty darn cute at any age but check out this bathrobe pattern from 1968. 

This is vintage McCall's 9278 that I found in my Mom's pattern stash. She can't remember making this up but the pattern is cut and I do remember Mom sewing for us when we were small. I'm sure she made up pyjamas because I don't recall ever having a robe when we were small.  

Well, I made the boys' version of the robe for a work colleagues' son. I took a second job as a Santa's helper. It's a volunteer job but the joy of sewing cute mini-versions of clothing is priceless. I work with some wonderful people who entertain my occasional desire to sew mini-items every now and then.   

Let me just say, if you happen to stumble across this pattern on Etsy or Ebay and are wondering if you should pick it up. The answer is yes! I think this pattern is the cat's meow. 

The fabric was a bargain centre find--100% cotton waffle weave. I couldn't believe my eyes when I spotted this bolt--I actually picked up the whole bolt. This fabric is out of my budget if I were to pick it up at regular price--so it was a no brainer when I spotted in the bargain centre. There was a little bit of fading at the centre where it was folded but I avoided that with my pattern placement. You can't tell on the final project. The fabric was pre-shrunk with a tumble through the washing machine and dryer and pressed on a cotton and steam setting. Would you believe that I have enough fabric for another size six robe and another adult sized robe. Mama R has already put in a request for one in this fabric.  

The Stats:  

Fabric:  1.4 metres

Interfacing:  0.6 metres fusible interfacing.  

Buttons:  6 vintage buttons

Pattern:  OOP Vintage McCall's 9278

Additional Tools and Supplies:  Sewing machine, serger, threads (for the sewing machine, serger and hand-stitching), pins, cutting table, scissors, clippers, tweezers, walking foot, buttonhole foot, iron, ironing board, tailor's ham, chai tea, coffee, and some good tunes.  

Happy Sewing! 

Sunday, 18 December 2016

HO, HO, HO, There is More Christmas Sewing to Go...

Do you sew for Christmas? I can't believe that I'm still Christmas sewing the final week before the big day. Talk about leaving things till the last minute. I'm going to blame it on feeling under the weather earlier this month but we all know there was some procraftination thrown in there as well.   

I'm sewing more pants, Simplicity 2372, for Mama R after she requested another pair of wool pants. She wants black pants and I happened to find a lovely wool and cashmere blend at Mitchell Fabrics. My plan was to only purchase what I needed to make one pair of pants. But the clerk offered the rest of the bolt at 50% off since it would have become a remnant piece. With some creative pattern placement, I was able to cut out two pairs of pants!  

Next up are Christmas sewing projects for some co-workers' kids. I've been waiting for the opportunity to sew up this vintage pattern, McCall's 9278 (circa 1968), for quite some time. And this past summer, I stumbled across a 100% waffle weave cotton that would be perfect for nightwear. I'm making two robes, a tie version for a little lass and the double breasted version for a little gentleman. Goodness, it is such a cute pattern, I hope these turn out.   

Well, the pants are almost done. They won't be a Christmas present surprise since I need Mama R to try them on so I can hem them.  The pattern pieces and fabric for the robes are on the cutting table to be cut. It's the perfectly chilly day to stay in a sew and hopefully, I'll be able to finish up these tonight.  

Well, I should get busy. How is your Christmas sewing coming along? Are you done or is there anyone else out there in the mad rush with sewing machines humming?  

Happy Sewing!  

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Winter Coat: 24 Darts Later

Woo-wee! Twenty-four darts, three layers later, a whole lot of hand-stitching, and I finally have myself a winter coat. This will have to go down as the most rewarding sewing project that I've made ever. To be completely honest, after all the fear and mind-changing involved in the process, I can't believe that it's done. After five years of planning procraftinating on making a coat, I finally did it! And I will have to admit, in the end it was an easy pattern to work with.   

The Fabrics:

The fashion fabric is 100% wool that I found at Fabricland about five or six years ago when it went on sale at 70% off. I was more drawn to the price than I was to the colour and pattern. I will admit that it has grown on me since I picked out this fabric.

I pre-treated this wool with steam before I cut it out. The plan is to dry-clean this coat if and when it needs it. This is going into the wardrobe as my good coat to wear during my off-work time. I don't  want to risk getting it dirty or damaged during recess duties. Although it is warm enough to handle standing / walking around in the prairie cold.  

The inside is a cotton backed Kasha lining, in pink-ish sort of colour. ~gasp!~ Honestly, I don't know how so much pink and pink-like shades are finding their way into my fabric stash and wardrobe. Again, the only reasonable explanation would be a ridiculously awesome price on this lining fabric. Which could be very likely by that masking tape means I picked it up at Northwest / Marshall Fabrics many moons ago since this lining rarely goes on sale at Fabricland. What can I say, bargain wins over colour. And to be completely honest, I actually like it now that it is all put together. The lining fabric was pre-treated with a tumble through the washing machine and dryer and it handled the process well.

The coat has a light-weight fleece underlining. Also, another fabric in a colour I wouldn't normally pick, but I was thinking about warmth and price. I found this at Fabricland several years ago. It was also pre-treated with a tumble through the washing machine and dryer cycles. I'm hoping that this underlining would give the coat the extra warmth factor needed to survive through a prairie winter.

And the front bands, collar and hem bands were all interfaced with fusible interfacing. For picking out fabrics that are not normally in my colour palette, I'm pretty thrilled with the final project.   

The Pattern:

Would you believe that Vogue 8934 was not my first choice when I started to think about making a winter coat? My initial plans revolved around a vintage Vogue design, out-of-print (OOP) Vogue 1083.

Of course, this was before Marcy Tilton released this pattern in 2013. There is a reason why Marcy Tilton is one of my favourite designers and this coat pattern is a perfect example. I have no complaints about this pattern and only have wonderful things to say about this design. Let me start by saying this is a perfectly drafted pattern.

Vogue 8934, another fabulous Marcy Tilton design.

My favourite part of this design is the treatment of the hem with those darts and the way it is finished. I like that this is a loose-fitting design and it will be roomy enough to wear with a bulky sweater underneath if I wish or need. Oh and that front fly closing came together with help from some well-written instructions.

The only adjustment to the pattern was to shorten the sleeve length. Even though I'm five foot and almost and inch tall, I did not shorten the length of the coat and I'm happy with the length and the way it looks.   

The Buttons:

Oh my goodness, I really like these buttons. I drove all the way to Mitchell Fabrics in search of buttons. Although, I have been recently finding some cool fabrics and notions at Fabricland, I'm not all that smitten over their button selection. Sorry. Thankfully, I can find some cool vintage and retro style buttons at Mitchell which makes it worth the trip. The pattern only asks for six buttons but I made my coat with eight. It can get windy here and the more coverage, the better.  

The Upgrades:

I will admit that I winterized this coat. Along with underlining the coat, there is a hidden elasticized cuff inside the sleeve. I took my inspiration from a vintage jacket that I picked up a couple of years ago when I fell off the ready-to-wear fast wagon. It seems like vintage coats of a certain era and quality have these wonderful elasticized cuffs. Why in the world did they stop making coats with this feature? I love how it turned out.

There is still enough fabrics left over to make a lined hood and I have four smaller sized buttons to attach to the collar. It may be a possibility in the near future. Right now I'm happy it is done even without the hood.

The Stats:  

Fabric:  6.7 metres total (2.3 metres of fashion fabric, fleece underlining fabric and lining fabric)

Interfacing:  1.7 metres fusible interfacing

Buttons:   8 buttons  

Elastic:   .5 metres 1/2" wide elastic

Threads:  I managed to finish off 4 spools (previously used) of thread for sewing and hand stitching and one spool of serger thread.  

Pattern:   Vogue 8934

Additional Tools and Supplies: Sewing machine, serger, thread, clippers, scissors, seam ripper, cutting table, needles, thimble, pins, tailor's ham, sleeve ham, clapper, iron, ironing board, pressing cloth, tweezers, wrist brace, Kleenex tissues, cough syrup, Advil, lots of bed rest (honest, it wasn't more procraftinating) ginger ale, and some good tunes when the headaches subsided. 

Happy Sewing!

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

In Sewing News Today...

It is nice to be back in the sewing room. Work on the coat is coming along slowly, lots of hand-sewing with the underlining is slowing work down. Needless to say, the workspace is a bit of a mess. My loose-weave wool fabric is shedding all over the place as I move from sewing machine, to the table, to the ironing board, to the serger, and back to the sewing machine. The good-ole Janome is handling all the layers like champ unlike all those buttonholes the other day. Thank goodness for the walking foot. I don't think I could sew all those layers without one.  

Talking about essential sewing tools, there is a new one in the sewing room that I'm wondering how I ever lived without.  

Yeah, a mini-vacuum! Seriously, how did I live without this? This little tool is up there with Jean-a-ma-jig as a favourite sewing tool. I found this at Fabricland a few weeks ago when they were having a 50% off sale on notions. Let me just say, if you have a fellow sewist on your Christmas list, this might be something to consider.

Talking about gift ideas (and some shameless self-promotion), there are some new microwave bowl cozies in the Etsy shop.

Now for something completely different--spring sewing. Yeah, McCall's released their new early spring sewing patterns! And not that I need any new sewing patterns but there are a few that caught my eye as I sit here in my flannel dreading the wind chill out there.
McCall's 7541: A Cape Top! Ohhh, I so like the idea of this top. Loose fitting and suitable for stable knits! This goes on my-want list.

Those pleats at the back neckline remind me of McCall's 7259 that came out a couple of years ago.

I'm happy to see the off-the-shoulder trend is still around for spring since I did not get around to making my own off-the-shoulder look this past summer. Maybe I'll get around to it in 2017?

And McCall's 7546 is a cute shirt pattern. Mind you, I don't need another shirt pattern, I just think it's cute. How about you, any new patterns that have you thinking about spring?

Well, that is all in sewing news today. I should get back to my winter sewing projects because it's cold outside.

Happy Sewing!

Monday, 12 December 2016

Monday's Mending Pile

Lately, I've been mindful of the fact that I need a winter coat.

Unwilling to dish out seventy dollars for a new zipper and heaven knows I'm not willing to do it myself especially when I've been feeling under the weather.

Oh good grief, who am I kidding? I wouldn't even be willing to replace the zipper on a down-filled coat if I were feeling better and had all the materials to do so. I'm not into that kind of self-inflicted punishment.  

Nicole Salimbene:  Mending 2016

Since my work life involves spending quite a bit of time in the great outdoors, I really cannot go without a winter coat, especially now that winter-like weather has finally arrived. So what's a gal to do?

Buttons. I'm going to tackle this mending project with buttons found in Mama R's button collection. As I searched for these buttons, enjoyed the weight and sound they made while I scooped them up in my hands, to the sounds they made against the fabric of my coat as I stitched, I thought that Nicole Salimbene was onto something with this insight,
By drawing attention to the art of mindfulness practice and to the act of threading a single needle, Mending encourages us to contemplate the stitch-by-stitch process that may lead to transformations in our lives and in the world.
Mending as a mindfulness practice. Shut the front door! This is absolutely true. Sewing buttons, just as mending, threading a needle or stitching, can absolutely be seen as a mindful practice. Just like being aware of one's breathing, there is a rhythm associated with stitching that quiets our inner world.  That's why we sew, it's relaxing.

In turn, it changes our perception of the outer world. And in the process, I ended up with a much-needed wearable winter coat and a calmer mind. What a wonderful theory.

So why is it that I dread mending most of the time allowing my mending pile to grow?

Oh yeah, sometimes things don't go as planned.

Thankfully, a few deep breathes, exhale, pick up seam ripper and repeat, it worked out in the end. So, what about that theory? I guess there is something to it, thinking of sewing / mending as a mindfulness activity certainly cut down the frustration that happened with less-than-perfect buttonholes. According to Dr. Sarah McKay, research has shown that textile crafting share positive characteristics and outcomes with mindfulness and meditation. Hmmm, maybe I just need to throw on some mediation tapes CDs, be mindful of the process, have that seam ripper close at hand, and just get to work.

Happy Mending!

Home Décor Sewing: Foot Stool Repair

  It was about twenty-five to thirty years ago I had this piece commissioned after spotting a similarly shaped foot stool in an Eaton's ...