Thursday, 22 January 2015

First Sewing Blooper of the Year...

I'm still waiting for my sewing mojo to reappear but I also thought that I would tackle a project that I made in the past, something easy peasy.  

The plan was to use Vogue 1306 the knit top that I previously made. It had been cut out and sitting in the sewing drawer for some time. I should have kept it in the drawer until my sewing mojo returned. First I made the front placket.  

Less than perfect but I could live with it. And then I moved on to the front gathered darts.  

Did you see what I did?  I sewed the darts on the wrong side. Not once, I did it to both darts! I did it with a itty-bitty knit stitch. Geez, this is going to be a something to unstitch. To be completely honest, my first instinct was to trash it. It still is. Mama R saw this disaster and thinks that it could be rescued. All I'm thinking is if I spend time unstitching this and accidentally put a hole in the fabric I'm going to be even more disappointed with myself. Besides, I hate taking out itty-bitty stitching.  

~sigh~ I want my sewing mojo back!  

Happy Sewing...


  1. oh no! make some napkins or pillowcases to get your mojo burning!

  2. Topstitch the darts like designers do, use them as a feature, not a mistake. Who says all dart have to be on the inside? certainly not Marcy Tilton, Katherine Tilton or Diane Ericson...they flip things inside and outside and create new ways of looking at brave!

  3. It does make a difference--trying to sew without any mojo!!

  4. You can figure this out! Don't let a small mistake disappoint you. My mojo left sometime in November and just now am I able to sew without major screw-ups! But everyday gets a little better and my confidence is coming back. Keep up the great work & keep posting!
    Bonnie @


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...