Monday, 4 August 2014

In Sewing News Today...

There has not been much sewing this weekend since finishing the latest Simplicity 2372 on Friday. I'm trying to be good to my back which has been killing me. Guess, it must be my body telling me to take a break from the sewing machine.  

I did try to continue sewing by my raising the table height since there was some more hand basting to do on the next jacket I have cut out for Mama R. I think I need a massage instead.

So, besides finishing The Coat Route (review coming soon), I have been watching the DVD that came with Couture Sewing:  The Couture Cardigan Jacket by Claire B. Shaeffer. 

The fact that I have been falling a sleep while it is on is no refection on the content because I find the jackets fascinatingly beautiful. Rather it is the meds that I'm taking for my back are interfering with my research. 

I didn't realize all the time-consuming hand-stitching that went into creating the couture cardigan jacket. This is sewing at a level that I have never tried. I'm looking forward to the challenge though. Hopefully, this month I will find the time to work on a muslin and maybe by the end of the year I can cross this goal off my list with a successful jacket. We'll see.  

Hopefully, I will be back at the sewing machine soon. Until then, happy sewing and wishing an enjoyable and safe long weekend to my fellow Canadians!

1 comment:

  1. I have this book. I love it. I had to put it on the shelf, because I start fantasizing. I really have other projects that I must finish before undertaking another of this length.


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

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