Sunday, 17 August 2014

In Sewing News Today...

Today's my birthday!

I'm taking a day off from sewing and the summer pattern give-aways. Next Sunday, I'll resume the pattern give-away, so stay tuned.

Did you see Nancy D's dress? Nancy is one of the pattern give-away winners and she already made the dress! I am totally delighted that she left a message and link to her website and more importantly that she made the dress and likes it! It is nice to know that the patterns are finding good homes where creative people and sewing up lovely things with them.

My summer lay-off is coming to an end soon and to tell you the truth, I am so ready to go back to work and then again I'm not ready. I had big sewing plans that didn't materialize but the sewing that I did do so far has been rewarding and comical when I think about all those sewing bloopers. Goodness! I'm starting to focus on my autumn sewing needs, mainly pants. And at some point I should do more than look at that mending pile!

But not today, it's my birthday!  

And I have sewing kits to sew for the kids that have signed up for the sewing club this year. Thirteen sewing kits! I haven't even started yet. I going to have to get hopping on this project. The kids will be making Christmas stockings. My co-worker will be showing them how to do cross stitching to decorate their stockings and I will be showing them how to do a blanket stitch to sew the two stocking pieces together. I will be making sewing kits for the kids to keep their sewing supplies all together.

But not today, it's my birthday!

Happy Sewing!


  1. Happy Birthday! A day off sewing sounds like a great start ... enjoy the day ... J

  2. Happy Birthday. I hope you have a wonderful day and a marvelous year!

  3. Happy Birthday! Nancy D's dress looks great; thanks for the link.

    1. Thanks! Nancy's dress does look great. I can't believe that there was that much ease in the pattern. So glad it worked out.

  4. Happy Birthday Graca, enjoy your day !


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...