Sunday, 18 August 2013

The Tim Gunn Project

One out of the nine projects are done and now it is time to move onto the next project. Well, actually two...

✄ Vogue 8904 (Basic Black Dress)
  Vintage Vogue 1985 (Day Dress)
  Butterick 5365 (White Shirt)
  Vogue 8333 (Blazer)
  Vogue 1325 (Dress Pants x 2)
  McCall's 8246 (Sweatsuit Alternative)
  Advance 8436 (Sweatsuit Alternative)

Yup, up next are the dress pants. I have to admit that my wardrobe has been lacking good dress pants for quite some time. I made a pair of navy wool using Vogue 1325 and I'm pleased with how they turned out. I even used the pattern for my jeans! I wouldn't mind a couple more of these pants and I plan to use the same pattern.

The first pair I'll make out of fabric that I splurged on big time. I picked up a beautiful wool and cashmere blend in a grey with tiny blue stripes at Mitchell Fabrics. Even at 50% off this fabric was a hit to the budget especially during a lay-off. Let's just call it an early birthday gift (I picked it up a couple of weeks ago) and a can't wait to get back to work gift. But it is beautiful to the hand and these will made a work appropriate pair of pants.

For the second pair, I have a solid black British wool in my stash that will fit the bill. It is a really nice suit quality fabric but nothing like the wool and cashmere blend. None-the-less, these two fabrics will do nicely for work appropriate dress pants.

So, have you ever splurged on an expensive fabric?

1 comment:

  1. I'm in a similar position as you. Worked at a very casual work wear job for the last five years. Quit a couple of months ago and moved 50 miles away. Just signed up with a temp agency and had to rush out to buy something businesslike to wear for the interview. Now I'm trying to sew up some office-ready clothes.

    Looks like you have a very organized plan and are coming right along... Good Job!


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