Saturday, 24 August 2013

Reasons Why I Sew: Reason # 9

I sew in order to avoid clothing seconds that is being past off as new.

This item was found at Wal-Mart. At full price, you would think that you are paying for a brand new undamaged item. Instead, it's item that has already been repaired and patched.

This item of clothing failed in meeting quality control but yet it managed to sneak into the regular clothes. 

I don't know why I am surprised in the era of fast-fashion. But I am. I believe that if a retailer is going to pass off an item as regular price merchandise then they should uphold a certain standard. I know, we're talking Wal-Mart here. George isn't exactly high end. 

Sewing mistakes happen. I get that, but at least admit to a flaw. I guess when they shipped all the sewing jobs overseas they cut out the inspectors.  

Retailers should not be trying to passing off clothing seconds as quality merchandise. 

And that is another reason why I sew.

Happy Sewing!  

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