Saturday, 27 April 2013

New Curtains

Stash Busting 2013:  Project #18 

Fabric Used:     2.0 metres of drapery fabric.  

This project was first mentioned here and completed over a week ago. I think I actually finished these before I completed my brother's shirt. I just didn't have a photo to post until now.  

These are new curtains for Mama R. We found this fabric at Fabricland last year and I should have had this done months ago. 

The curtains came to be through a joint production. Mama R did the measuring and basting and then it ended up on my sewing table to be stitched. I guess that was her way of a gentle nudge.  

And there was no new thread purchased for this project. I had a perfect match to stash-bust from my stash. The perfectly matched thread left over from this dress project. 

Mama R is thrilled with them because they block out much of the light in the early morning. I'm just thrilled that she's thrilled.  

Happy Sewing!  

1 comment:

  1. Yay curtains! So boring to make, but they turned out great! :) I swore never to sew curtains again, and even my boyfriend knows not to ask after the cursing that came from my sewing room last time I made some. :D I love the fabric you chose.


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