Friday, 5 April 2013

In Sewing News Today...

What a week!

It has been a busy week at work. I still haven't finished reading I Am David for work. I will have to finish it for Monday. Luckily, the library called to let me know my transfer request for the movie has arrived. Just in case I don't finish the book or if I feel like sewing instead. I do have another vestment for the parish priest to repair, never mind the pile of mending that keeps growing and the two shirts I cut out for my brother.  

Sewing-wise, I've been procraftinating on those and busy working on my entries for the Pattern Stash contest over at Pattern Review. Since the start of the contest, I managed to finish six items! Isn't that crazy? Mind you it did help that I was off last week for March break.

Things have certainly slowed down since I went back to work. And I'm nursing a sore shoulder. I have a physio appointment next week and hope to be all fixed up and have my sewing arm back in tip-top shape. Until then I'll be taking frequent ice breaks. Hmm, maybe I might get that book read?

I don't know how much sewing I will get done this weekend. But I do know which patterns I would like to drag out of my pattern stash next.

I'm taking a risk for someone who lives in the windy city. No, not Chicago or Hamilton... the other windy city. But I want to make a wrap skirt, Butterick 5545. Maybe it is not the most practical thing I can make but I love the look of a wrap skirt.

This pattern has been in my stash, untouched for over a decade and it is in a size that I haven't been for about that long too. I'm thinking that maybe I can grade it up to the size I need. How hard could that be? I'm going to take it down from the etsy shop and give it a whirl.

The other pattern is a New Look pattern for vests. Another pattern that has been in my stash for some years. I like to make the vest with the double row of buttons and tie belt. I just might have to lengthen it.  

Sew, I think I will lay low for the weekend while I ice the shoulder and get some reading done.

How about you, any sewing plans this weekend?

Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

  1. Hey!!

    I've got lots planned. Hoping to finish my Rainbow Quilt! I really like that sleeveless top!

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Bundana @


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

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