On the books this weekend:
Cut out the beautiful silky polyester fabric that will be my niece's dress.
Sew the Burda Style Skirt sitting on my sewing table.
Copy the silky polyester baby blue Rachel Roy top that I picked up this weekend.

Yes, I did. The Rachel Roy top is such a simple top that has a beautiful simple drape in the front. I think it is lovely.
It cost $89 before taxes, just over a hundred after taxes.
"Yikes!", my inner voice said while I was examining it, realizing that I could make this for a fraction of the cost.

Don't get me wrong, I do admire
Rachel Roy's work and I realize that I'm also paying for her creativity and styling.

And I will admit that I do have a fun piece with fun twists and turns in a bright orange colour hanging out in my closet and it I feel great when I wear it.

But I can make this one! Besides, it is in baby blue, not my colour.
Sew, I figure if Pattern Review can host a RTW Contest where you find a ready-to-wear garment that you adore and make one just like it, why not? Sorry Rachel Roy, I hope you take it as a compliment. I promise just this one. Besides, Pattern Review inspired me to do it.
I found the Rachel Roy top when was out shopping yesterday because I was in need of some retail therapy. It was not a great week. I didn't want to shop, I just wanted to get out and walk and try to clear my head.
So, I found myself at Polo Park to check out if the stores are carrying any
bold prints that I had read about in the paper. The buyers at
The Bay were not very bold when picking out spring fashions, same with
Melanie Lyn. There were some nice clothes to be found but I guess this trend hasn't caught on in Winnipeg just yet. It was all about
soft pastel colours and
orange tangerine tango. Nothing felt new. Hmmm, I wonder if everyone will jump on the orange lipstick bandwagon this summer? But I digress...
While shopping in Melanie Lyn and on my way to exit the store I was stopped by one of the salesladies standing at the sales desk.
"Where did you get your top?" she asked.
Surprised by her question I replied, "I made it."
"Really?, it's beautiful," she said as she leaned towards me to touch the fabric. I'll admit that I was a bit taken back by her level on comfort and compliment. And why would you say
really?, I thought to myself.
"Do you sell your stuff?" she asked.
"No, I work a full-time job," recalling all the times I was ripped off and taken advantaged of sewing for others.
"In other words, it is a hobby," the other saleslady directed to her co-worker.
I just smiled and thanked the first saleslady.
"You picked a beautiful fabric," she added.

"Thank you," I replied as I continued on my way.
That compliment was the best retail therapy experience ever. I was wearing the Marcy Tilton shirt/jacket,
Vogue 8709. And I didn't realize at the time but I
was wearing a bold print.
I've made two versions of this top. This picture shown here is of the first one I made. It is a 100% cotton print that I picked up at the Fabric Centre. They used to carry beautiful fabrics, but sadly they closed down last year. The second top is my least favourite of the two because it hasn't held up as well. I made it in a stretch sateen fabric. If you plan to make this Marcy Tilton top I would recommend a cotton that has some body.
And I realized that the best option to find bold prints is not in a shopping mall, it is in the home decor department of the fabric stores. Duh, that's where I've found my favourite bold fabrics! What was I thinking? I really did need to clear my head.
Happy Sewing!