Monday, 24 August 2020

When It's Not in the Budget: Night Splint

Sewing this summer certainly has focused, more than anything else, on pandemic sewing:  face masks, scrub caps, and repeat. All this medical-inspired sewing has prepared me for another challenge. 

This little contraption is called a night splint or The Strassburg Sock. It's used to help people with heel pain and even though there is no defiant scientific proof that it works I'm willing to try anything at this point.  I'm just not willing to spend $60 Cdn for one sock especially when I believe that I can make one.  

Why not?  The story of The Strassburg Sock started out this way.  

In 1993, using a tube sock, a piece of material, and my wife's sewing machine, late one night I devised a crude device to hold my foot in position while sleeping. The next morning I felt a significant reduction of pain as I took those first steps out of bed.

If it could work for the creator of The Strassburg Sock, I thought I might be able to save myself some cash. 

I think this might actually work. I'll be testing it out tonight.  

Happy Sewing!



  1. I hope this works! I'll be watching for your evaluation.

  2. Had the same problem-- your hack is amazing! Had a lot of luck with aggressive calf stretching. Just leaning forward with heel down for 1 minute about 5x/day, especially in the morning before walking. Good luck!


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...