Tuesday, 10 December 2019

My Sewing Top Fives: Sewing Techniques

Top Five Sewing Techniques

1.  This year I discovered the couture method (also known as the burrito method) of sewing shirt yokes with this shirt project.  And I have never looked back at my old method of top-stitching a yoke in place.  

There is a wonderful set of instructions for this sewing technique in the Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Sewing.  

2.  Clothes pins, they're not just for hanging up clothes to dry.  Paper clips could work just as well!  I learned this year that there are gadgets around us that can be adapted for use in sewing projects without running off to an overpriced fabric store for supplies.  

3.  Pad-stitching can be done by machine to save time.   

4.  Using a buttonhole cutter for opening buttonholes was a game changer.  

5.  Stay tape makes all the difference when it comes to sewing with knits, especially when it comes to sewing hems.  Stay tape stabilizes and supports the edges to they don't stretch out and gape.  

Happy Sewing!  


  1. Hmmm, must look for stay tape the next time I am fabric shopping.

    God bless.

  2. Since discovering stay tape (the package brand name is Knit-N-Stable) I would never consider sewing knits without it. Before my hems seemed wavy and no amount of steam and pressing seems to control it. It's been a go-to item in my sewing projects for sure. God Bless!


A Wool Wrap Skirt: OOP Vogue 2327

This wool wrap skirt is made with out-of-print (OOP) and vintage Vogue 2327.  This is the first time I'm working with this skirt pattern...