Thursday, 24 October 2019

In Sewing News Today...

I've often said, "I'm not a quilter."  And I said it again this week.

I've convinced myself that my brain doesn't work like a quilter's brain.  Quilters are an enigma to me.  It sounds ridiculous doesn't it?

Image Source:  Dream Quilt Create

That is how I felt this week when I found myself in conversation with a die-hard quilter. She was trying to convince me to join her church quilting group. I told her that I'm more into garment sewing to which I got that glazed over look in her eye. This happen just before we both shared why we don't engage in each other's hobby. What struck me was that we had the same reasons for not being in garment sewing or quilting. It's like trying to solve the great debate of cats vs. dogs.  

Image source:  Dogs vs. Cats
No comparison, right? It's just a different animal. But I will admit that it has me thinking about that conversation quite a bit this week.  No, I'm not thinking about taking up quilting.  But it does seem to have a growing presence in the retirement community.  From the conversation, I don't think it really about making quilts rather it seems to be more about a social outlet.  And there you go, sewing whether it be garment or quilting just boils down to community.   And that's a good thing.

In other sewing news, McCall's released there Winter / Holiday collection today.  There are two patterns that caught my eye.

McCall's 7999, where were you months ago?  Lol.  Seriously, I'm happy to see this winter staple finally make an appearance.  I don't need one at this point.  I'm happy with my latest version and I do have this vintage Burda International pattern still waiting to be made up one day.  

I just have to locate my sewing mojo.  The other pattern that caught my eye is for another project that I don't need nor will I be sewing.

But I do think it is cute.  A cape with a hood.  The only thing that would make this perfect would be a hidden interior pocket to hide keys.  Oh and perhaps in a double faced knit!  I'm just looking forward to read the reviews on these ones.  

That's all in sewing new today... 

Happy Sewing!


  1. Sewing garments and quilts - so different, yet so much the same. And both camps seem to declare that home dec sewing is the worst, which is *usually* easy, unless you get into drapes and need to figure out how to handle all that fabric.

  2. Lôve the burda pattern- all the opyions. Better than the mccalls


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...