Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Charity Sewing: McCall's 8548

There was a request recently in the church bulletin to help out a refugee family with children clothing and I thought it was the perfect time to break out vintage McCall's 8548 once again. The request was for newborn to age 2 boys clothes.  

My wrist has been acting up so the thought of sewing this type of baby clothes is out of the question right now but I was able to manage a pair of pull-on pants for an age 2 young lad.  

This grey coloured cord fabric is heavy enough to keep a wee lad warm with the upcoming colder weather. Would you believe they're calling for snow tomorrow? Insert a happy dance here to celebrate the end of allergy season. 

Plus the first snow fall is so pretty. But I digress...

My hope is that these pants will keep the little lad warm in the upcoming season.  

The Stats

Fabric:  1 metre

Elastic:  1" wide

Additional Tools & Supplies:  Cutting table, scissors, pins, pin cushion, measuring tape, measuring gauge, sewing machine, threads, serger, thread clippers, seam ripper and coffee.  

Happy Sewing!


  1. Just so cute.

    We got about 5 cm of snow here in Saskatchewan today, with more to come. I just hope our sons can make it home for Thanksgiving.

    God bless.

    1. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving celebration! We really got hit with a lot of wet snow that has taken down a lot of tree branches over the city and taken out power. Thankfully, the sewing machine is still humming away. Hopefully, everyone gets their power back asap.


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