Monday, 1 May 2017

Me Made May 2017: The Wardrobe Management Edition

This year I'm not going to document the me-made-items that I wear because I wear my makes everyday. Most of my wardrobe is hand-made because I have a hard time finding ready-to-wear clothing that a) I like or b) that fits my body shape. So I feel like I'm cheating when it comes to MMM events when I just document that "yes" I do wear said items.  

But lately, I've been doing some soul searching. Does my wardrobe reflect my life-style and my values? We're just coming off Fashion Revolution week and there has to be more to answering the question who made my clothes? when we sew. I've made items that have been a waste of my time because I've got all caught up in whatever sew-a-long or fell for some trendy fabric featured in a sewing magazine all because I want to feel part of something bigger than my little sewing corner. I talk the talk about being mindful of the environmental impact, blah, blah, blah, but it's time to put my words into action. So this MMM I'm pledging, 
I Graça, of Sew Essentially Sew, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2017.  I plan on being more mindful of the fabrics that I chose to wear, the environmental impact of my sewing decisions, and to pass along the clothes that don't fit and replace them with items that reflect my life-style and values.  
So what does this mean really. This month my focus will be on wardrobe management. I've been holding onto too many things that I haven't been wearing for various reasons. This dress will be finding a new home because I've only worn it twice--wrong fabric choice. It's a polyester crepe knit and in this style with the full skirt, it's heavy, too warm for summer wear and not warm enough for winter wear. Oh and pink, who was I trying to kid with a pink dress? This linen wrap dress is leaving as well. It doesn't fit well in the bodice and ill-fitting clothes are not all that comfortable. Which leads me into this week's focus.

Tops and t-shirts.

I'm saying good-bye to the ill-fitting, too-tight for my comfort level tops and replacing them with ones that fit well in the shoulder / armhole and are looser around the mid-section.

I have enough patterns and knit fabric to get started. And I already made Vogue 9028. I quite like it mainly because of the pockets I added, but I would like to make one adjustment to the armhole. So I'll start with Vogue 9028.

Happy Sewing!

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