Wednesday, 3 February 2016

In Sewing News Today...

My sewing mojo is still waning but I found something else to fill my time. There is a new book in my life.  

Unlike Elizabeth L. Cline's Overdressed:  The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion, Michael Lavergne is an apparel industry insider who explores the history of global fashion and offers an unique prospective as "an ethical supply chain professional." This is a book that I'll be able to take my mind off my wrist, let it rest and feel like I'm being somewhat productive with my limited free time.  

Talking about limited free time... Do you remember my previous rant musing about people asking me to sew for them?  
I don't like mending my own clothes, never mind someone else's. I don't get people sometimes (I'm going to chalk it up to holiday craziness taking hold), I would never ask someone to do my household chores. But people seem to think it is okay to ask me to do theirs, why? I think that is why I'm so beat, I just can't figure some people out and I'm exhausted with people asking me to sew for them. People need to stop. Like right now! I need to start collecting business cards from seamstresses who actually are looking for this type of work just when these scenarios happen because people have no clue the amount of work that goes into mending and the insane pile of my own mending. Come to think of it. Maybe I should take some of my mending in to get mended. 
Well, it happened again. I fear this rudeness trend is never going to end. But something wonderful did change. I said "no." No, seriously. I really did it! And it felt great! Amazingly great. Beyond words great! I feel like a new woman, hear me roar.  I have more than enough sewing work to do, I don't need to take in other people's sewing projects. And besides, there are plenty of businesses that are willing and able to do that. People need to support their local businesses and stop buying cheap fashion that are meant to fall apart and be thrown away.  

Well, that is all in sewing news today....

Happy Sewing!  


  1. Congratulations on discovering the power of No.

  2. I know exactly what you're talking about! I get so tired of people asking me to do alterations. My business is making window treatments and bedding, but people think that because I have a sewing machine (well, actually, several) that means I want to repair their child's Halloween costume! Alterations are not the same as window treatments! I've got to start saying "no!" more often!

    1. Isn't it crazy what folks assume? I would highly recommend saying "no," it felt great.

  3. I have offered my services as a teacher to many people. No one has taken me up on it so I am forced to conclude that those who ask us to mend stuff just want the onerous task done by someone else.

    1. I agree Mary, and they want it done for free as well.

  4. I remember once, about a week after starting a new job, both a coworker and my new boss asked me to do mending for them when they found out I sewed my own clothes. I said no, of course (wtf you just met me and now you're asking me to hem your husbands trousers, and replace a zipper in a complicated winter coat?!), and they were pretty taken aback. I did point them to a local seamstress though who I knew did good work, and quoted her prices to them both. They both balked at that and said they were looking for someone to do it free.


    *cough* Ahem, sorry. Didn't mean to rant on your blog. I hear ya, friend. I'm very glad you said 'no', and I hope you can continue to do so (unless it's something you want to do, of course). :)

    1. Unbelievable! I felt great saying no but some people just don't get that they're asking someone to do their household chore.


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