Saturday, 27 September 2014

Pattern Give-away Winner!

Well, this was the easiest pattern give-away I ever hosted. Only one entry, easy peasy.

Congratulations to Sue who won the Butterick 6064 pattern. I love the pockets on this pattern, I just wish I was taller to pull off this look. Mind you, I'm still wearing it.

Sue blogs over at Sue's Sew by Me. This is a new-to-me blog and she has some gorgeous knit fabric that she made a dress and skirt out of--I'm going to read more. Talk to you later...

Happy Sewing!  

1 comment:

  1. If it was my size I would have entered too, I like the pattern! But I prefer someone actually uses it.


A Wool Wrap Skirt: OOP Vogue 2327

This wool wrap skirt is made with out-of-print (OOP) and vintage Vogue 2327.  This is the first time I'm working with this skirt pattern...