Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Five More Days!

We've been up late working on the sample for the sewing club. That has been what has been keeping me from my own sewing. My co-worker and fellow sewing club leader finished the cross stitching of her name on the sample and it looks fantastic. I just started the blanket stitch around the stocking during my coffee break this afternoon. 

It has to be finished in five days! I'm running out of time. And that is starting to freak me out because there is still lots to do before our first sewing class on Monday. 

I left the sample at work because I'm fighting the mother-of-all-headaches and I need a break. Hopefully, with four more coffee breaks before the weekend, I will be able to finish the blanket stitch around the sample.  

At home, I longingly looked at the black cotton fabric that is laying on my cutting table and draping over the edge. I couldn't take it anymore. I starting pinning the vintage McCall's 7870 skirt that I want to sew. But this mother-of-all-headaches stopped me from cutting it out. 

I can't believe that I'm thinking of my own sewing with so much to do before the start of the sewing club at work. It looks like the sewing mojo is starting to come back.

Happy Sewing!

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A Wool Wrap Skirt: OOP Vogue 2327

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