Sunday, 18 November 2012

Word of the day: Procraftinate

This definition is from a blog called My Roman Apartment. It perfectly describes my lack of ability to finish off a drawer full of sewing projects:  

pro·craf·ti·nate (pr-krft-nt)v. pro·craf·ti·nat·ed, pro·craf·ti·nat·ing, pro·craf·ti·natesv.intr.To put off finishing handiwork because you’ve turned your beloved hobby into a postpone or delay the completion of craft projects to the point of stupidity.

I did try, this afternoon, to finish off one of my UFOs. I really did try. The project that is behind all this procraftinating is Rachel Comey's pullover top, Vogue 1247.  

This project has been waiting for some attention since sometime in May of this year. And today, damn it!, was going to be the day that I was going to finish it.  

I carefully pinned and french seamed and then I tried it on. Oh yes, now I remember why it became a procrafinated object. That darn neckline. I found it quite low for my liking. It sits lower on me than it appears to sit on the model on the pattern envelope. I tried, unsuccessfully, to fix it by taking it in where the neckline and centre front seam meets. It did not work out as I intended and now the neckline does not fall as well on the right side as it does on the left side. It is not really noticeable but I know it is not the best fix.  

I wish I didn't try it on for I feel another bout of procraftinating coming on. Oh why fight it, besides this calls for cookies. 

Happy Sewing!  


  1. Great word. I might have to borrow or steal it. 8-D

    I made that top too, and is it ever low. The one I made has never been worn.

  2. My Vogue 1247 does the same thing. I wear it ALL the time, along with the skirt. I just wear a singlet or camisole - makes for a lovely contrast.

  3. I totally wimped out on my last 1247 and added a little wedge of fabric in the neckline- it matched the theme and kept small children from seeing more of the bunnies than they should ahve while I was at Disney?!


Hand Sewing / Repair Work

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