Thursday, 31 May 2012

Me-Made-May '12: Week Four and a half Round-up

Monday, May 28th  Chilly spring day.  

Daytime:  Sick day. A trip to the pharmacy to fill the prescription I was given yesterday. Started on medication hoping that it will take down the swelling in my knees, popped a Tylenol 3 and back to bed. 
Evening:  Not much.  

Sweater:  Ted Baker
Glasses:  DKNY
My Oh-So-Sexy Kneebraces:  Ossur
Comfortable Footwear:  Mephisto
Bathrobe:  Simplicity 7417

Tuesday, May 29th  Another chilly and rainy spring day.  

Daytime:  Back to work. Staff meeting and Tylenol 2's to start the day. And I managed to stay awake!     
Evening:  Prep work! I found out at the end of the day I'm teaching Subject and Predicate to the grade 4 class. And find time to bake cookies for tomorrow's staff lunch hosted by this term's social committee.  

Double Knit Pants:  Liz Claiborne
Top:  Vogue 8709 
Sweater:  Olsen
Glasses:  DKNY
My Oh-So-Sexy knee braces:  Ossur   
Comfortable at home:  Mephisto
Work footwear:  Josef Seiberg 

Wednesday, May 30th.  Woke up to a morning temperature of zero. I'm glad it warmed up during the day. The sunshine certainly helped.  

Daytime:  Work.
Evening:  Drove Mama R to Costco and housework.

Skirt:  Vogue 1247
Top:  Mexx
Sweater:  PART TWO
My Oh-So-Sexy Knee Braces:  Ossur
Work Shoes:  Josef Seiberg
Comfortable at home Shoes:  Mephisto

Thursday, May 31st.  What an absolutely perfect spring day!

Daytime:  Workday.
Evening:  Took Mama R grocery shopping, banking, picked out sushi for supper and iced the knee (no need for pain meds today, love that!), cover letter / resume writing (about to be laid-off for the summer).

Sweater:  The Bay
Work Shoes:  Browns
Comfortable at Home Shoes:  Mephisto 

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