Friday, 20 July 2012

Promaballona Pattern Give-a-way!

Of course you heard that Oona is getting ready and sent out invitations for Promaballona. It sounds like fun, no? I never went to my prom/high school shing-dig or whatever they call it. I grew up in a strict, uptight Portuguese family that privledged the boys (three of them) in the family. I'm not bitter. I discovered punk music back in my final years of high school and I'm sure the prom organizers would have played ABBA (the music that the popular kids were listening to) and that would have made me just plain sad. Sew, it all worked out for the best. Anyway, I digress... and this is suppose to be about helping Oona celebrate her upcoming birthday.

I just RSVP'd for Promaballona and boy-oh-boy I have to get busy on my dress!

Have you started yours?


Can't find a pattern?

Well, this might be the pattern give-a-way for you!

There are three dress patterns up for grabs. Just tell me which one you would like, or if you want to be entered for all or two, or whatever I'll throw you name into the appropriate hat(s). And I will draw for each of these patterns on Sunday, July 22, 2012. Right after my morning coffee.

And here is the deal... if you are a follower of this blog, promise to give these patterns a good home, cherish it, use it, promise not to sell it, but you are welcome to share it. Then leave a message below and good luck!

P.S.  I have no problem shipping internationally. Promise to send it off right away, but I can't guarantee that destinations on the other side of the world will make it in time of Promaballona. That is up to Canada Post.

Prom-worthy Pattern #1:  Retro Butterick '56, Butterick 5603

Prom-worthy Pattern #2:  Retro Butterick '53, Butterick 5708

Prom-worthy Pattern #3:  McCall's 6466


  1. OH SO PROM WORTHY!!!! i'm gonna shout about this!!

  2. Ooh, I'm loving the first one, it's gorgeous!

  3. Fabulous giveaway!!! I would love to win either pattern 1 or 2--love those vintage styles!

  4. I'd love pattern one please! Cute shoulder details.

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  5. I liked both Butterick , they are really cute, thanks for the giveway!

  6. Ooo! The first one, Butterick 5708!

  7. I would love patterns nr. one or two, thanks ;-)!

  8. I love #1! I just finished a retro Butterick and was surprised by how well it fit. I never get a good fit with modern patterns. I would certainly give it a good home.

  9. Ohh #1 and #2 are just lovely! I do solemnly swear to attempt to give them a good home and a good go at making them up :)

  10. I would love the fluffy marshmallow McCalls it's just delightful and everything I wish I had worn to my prom

  11. How lovely and generous! I came over here from Oona's blog and love what I see, including this! Would love to be entered for all three please (although the middle one is my absolute fave!) Will be following from now on!

  12. I love #2 the best! I'm sure I saw a really cute nautical version of it recently but I can't remember where...

  13. I came over from Oona's blog - what an amazing giveaway!

    I'd like to be entered for the top two, please! Although the third is factastic for Promaballoona - I'm not so sure I'd fit such a style :'D

  14. Anyone would be worth prom queen on thoses

  15. I'd be happy to have either of the first two! If I win I'll totally make it and post about it on my blog :)

  16. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me for #2 :)

  17. Thanks for the giveaway! I like No. 3!

  18. I would love pattern 3 :) x

  19. I would love the first one - 5708. It's beautiful with the shoulder details. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  20. Oh, I love B5708, the 1953 reissue! Perfect for the Promabolloona!

  21. I LOVE the first one - so many cute shoulder options. How would I decide? Thank you!


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