Sunday, 2 April 2023

Hair Conditioner, Who Knew?

This is a must share tip:  hair conditioner can reverse some shrinkage in a merino wool garment.  I will admit, there was a wee part of skepticism at reading this online.  Not anymore.  

Not that I'm going to be careless going forward with my woolly makes.  I shrunk my black wool turtleneck dress to the point that I didn't wear it this winter.  Thankfully, it did not shrink in the width of the garment, sadly, it shrank in the length.  For some time, there was thoughts of cutting it shorter into a top with three-quarter length sleeves.  If the conditioning experiment didn't work, that was the plan.  

I'm happy to report that it did work to a point that I still have a wool turtleneck dress.  It's not at the original length which was the same as the pink one its contrasted with in the photos above.  Words cannot express how happy I am that I have a below knee length dress back.  

Next up, I'm going to condition this sweater which has also experienced some shrinkage since it came off the sewing machine in 2018.  Thankfully, I couldn't part with it since then.  Fingers crossed it works out again and this sweater can be rescued.  

Hair conditioner, seriously, who knew?


  1. Very intriguing! Please share recipe (what is conditioner/water ratio) and technique.

  2. I just followed the instructions found in the first link in the post. I used fifteen pumps of hair conditioner as "a generous amount of conditioner" in step 2. I guess "the recipe" depends on the size of garment etc. For the turtleneck dress I used a large pail to hold the dress with about 12 litres of water. I'm guestimating here. No recipe, I just followed the steps in the link as best as I could.

  3. Thank you for the additional info, highlighting the link!


Stash busting: Wool Scarf

  There was enough leftover yardage from the latest skirt project to make a matching wool scarf.  It is my latest Canadian 🍁 made and tari...