Sunday, 30 April 2023

April in Review...

Sewing, Alterations and Mending Projects

There was some sewing this month.  This month I was in desperate need of pull-on clothes, therefore a new pair of pants were finished.  I'm still in a cast making pull-on clothes my dream wardrobe items right now.  Even though I'm most comfortable in dresses, the weather during most of April was still on the cool to downright cold side and pulling on a pair of tights makes for some entertaining physical comedy.  But I digress.

Most of my free sewing time was dedicated to restoring some items.  These pajama bottoms still fit but the elastic needed to be replaced because somehow the elastic waistline became a little bit snug.  This time there is a little extra length hidden in the front piece just in case it happens again.  Patchwork with some trim to repair a hole on a chair cover.  One of my wool knit dresses shrank and ended up going through a unshrinking process.  Yeah, there is such a thing.  And weight gain meant that more coverage was needed from a silk top.  

Fashion Revolution

Ten years.  It's hard to think that ten years have past since the tragedy that spurred on the fashion revolution movement.  Sometimes, I window shop the RTW and fabric store aisles and I feel like no one cares.  It seems like there are even more petroleum based textile products on the market than there were ten years ago.

It seems like things are not getting any better over the decade.  And then there are young high school students on the radio talking about their sustainability club and the challenges posed by fast fashion.  And they provide hope that things are changing even if it's not necessarily noticeable on a large scale.  

Stash busting

This month I stash-busted 2 metres of fabric and about 2 metres of elastic.  I'm gathering up another bin to take to the Fabric Collective.  It's been two months wearing a cast.  It really made one reassess their sewing stash.  Sadly, I had to say good-bye to the Etsy shop where I was selling some patterns and other sewing supplies.  Between Etsy transaction fee and Canada Post price increases over the years it is too expensive to sell and ship.  Orders dried up once I adjusted the shipping costs to cover these changes.  It just made sense to close the shop.  I am not sure what I will do with the patterns?

Happy Sewing!

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Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

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