Friday, 30 April 2021

April in Review...


It doesn't seem like there was a lot coming off the sewing machine this month. But with how my sewing mojo has been in hiding I'm going to take two items as a win.  

The plaid silk shirt was started months ago and then somethings just pushed its way ahead, over this project.  It feels great to have this finally done and when I have my sewing mojo back I wouldn't mind revisiting this Assembly Line oversized shirt pattern again. The little girls' dress was remake of a project I first made decades ago.  This time around it was a refashion project as well. I really wanted to give a second chance to the ribbon decorated fabric.  

I probably would have sewn more if I weren't watching out for my wrist and avoiding cutting out big projects. Would it be nice if you could just hand off your piece of cloth to someone else to cut for you? Ah, a gal could dream!  

The end of April means that tomorrow is the start of Me-Made-May 2021. I wonder how much different things will look into the second MMM pandemic edition?  


Fabric:  2.6 metres (April) + 1 recycled skirt (April) + 32.5 metres (prior months) = 33.1 metres + 1 recycled skirt

Zippers:  0 (April) + 1 - 55 cm zipper =

Buttons:  18 (April) = 18

Seam binding:  0 (April) + 7 metres (prior months) = 7 metres

Knit 'N Stable Tape:  0 (April) + 9 metres (previous months) = 9 metres

Twill Tape:  0 (April) + 0.5 metres (prior months) = 0.5 metres

Spools of thread:  2 - 275 metre spools (April) + 1 875 metres (prior months) = 2 700 metres

Sewing machine needles:  0 (April) + 3 (prior months) = 3

Hand needles:  0 (April) + 1 (prior months) = 1

Sewing Label:  1 "me made" label (April) + 0 (prior months) = 1

Stay Safe and Happy Sewing!

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