Wednesday, 31 March 2021

March in Review...

March turned out to be a pretty quiet month at the sewing table.  Although, I did manage to de-stash over twelve metres of fabrics. It doesn't really seem possible, does it? Mostly items for work (chess board mats) and others (scrub caps) with the exception of something for moi (reusable grocery bags). No garment sewing this month. Unless you count mending. There was quite a bit of mending happening this month.    


Fabric:  12.1 metres (March) + 20.4 metres (previous months) = 32.5 metres

Zippers:  0 (March) + 1 - 55 cm invisible zipper (previous months) =

Seam binding:  0 (March) + 7 metres (previous months) = 7 metres

Knit 'N Stable tape:  0 metres (March) + 9 metres (previous months) = 9 metres

Twill tape:  0 metres (March) + 0.5 metres (previous months) = 0.5 metres

Spools of thread 1 spool - 275 metres (March) + 1 875 metres (previous months) = 2 150 metres

Sewing machine needles:  1 sewing machine needle (March) + 1 sewing machine needle and 1 serger needle (previous months) =

Hand needles:  1 hand sewing needle (March) + 0 previous months) = 1


Fabric:  0 metres (March) + 24.7 metres (previous months) = 24.7 metres 

Sewing Machine Needles:  0 (March) + 1 package of 3 serger needles = 3

Buttons:  0 (March) + 10 (previous months) = 10

Sewing patterns:  2 Named Clothing patterns (March) + 0 (previous months) = 2

Stay Safe and Happy Sewing!


  1. You've been busy! You made reusable grocery bags? Does this mean you can use them again? If so, I'm envious. I'm SO tired of drowning in the plastic bags still. You'd think since they backed off the sanitizing everything coming in the house, they's say reusable bags are OK to use again. ESPECIALLY since out governor pretty much abandoned all CDC guidelines several weeks ago.

    1. There was a time during the beginning of the pandemic that you couldn't bring reusable bags into the store. I never took the plastic bags because I made a set last spring just before they were banned. I just put my groceries back in the cart and bagged them at my vehicle after wiping them down. Now most are allowing reusable bags in the store again but you have to bag your groceries yourself. Which is exactly how it was pre-pandemic. I haven't gone back to bringing them instore though.


Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...