Wednesday, 31 July 2019

July in Review...

New Fall Collection

Half the year is gone and I haven't made a pair of jeans yet. I've been talking about sewing a new pair of jeans since the beginning of the year. It might change with the new fall pattern release from Vogue. 

I wouldn't mind making up Vogue 1644 in a denim fabric. I have to admit, it has been quite awhile since I've been taken in my a new pattern release but this one is an exception.  Could it be that I'm thrilled that designers raised waistbands? Perhaps.  

This Vogue 1642 pants pattern has captured my interest as well. Or it could be the wide leg design that has me all smitten over sewing a pair of pants? The one fact that is certain, there will be some pants hitting the sewing table sometime in the near future.  


There has been some actual sewing this past month. Nothing too challenging, mostly gift and practical items.  There was one project that I abandoned before it was finished, Vogue 9370.  

The pattern is perfect, my sewing and fabric choice, not so. I think this design would work best in a cotton shirting as recommended on the pattern envelope. Instead, I chose this denim-like fabric from the stash. It was labelled as 100% cotton but it didn't drape or feel so. And then I made an error on the front facing that would have been difficult to correct and there wasn't enough fabric left to recut the required piece. Sewing bloopers happen.  

I do plan to re-use the fabric for something else. Maybe I'll bring out-of-print (OOP) Vogue 1455 out of retirement and create another reversible bubble-hemmed dress to be gifted for a little gal.  

Happy Sewing!

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Vintage Simplicity 6851: Slip

For quite some time, I've had a request for a slip that has shoulder seams and non-ribbon straps. I found it in a vintage, circa 1960s pattern, Simplicity 6851.  

I'm impressed with this one, not only does it have the desired shoulder strap design, it also has a back shadow panel. I've never observed this design feature in a pattern or ready-to-wear slip. What a cool idea. Also like the darted front. The back is designed with princess seams. It really does have a lovely shape although it is not coming through in the photos.  

The fabric is a light-weight linen from the stash.  

The only changes other than leaving off the back shadow panel has been to shorten the length by four inches and sew a rolled hem throughout.  

The Stats

Fabric:  2 metres

Pattern:  Vintage Simplicity 6851

Additional Tools and Supplies:  Sewing machine, walking foot, serger, threads, cutting table, scissors, pins, pin cushions, and a cup of tea.  

Happy Sewing!

Monday, 29 July 2019

Cork Bag: McCall's 7851

I've been getting quite a few inquiries when it come to this bag. And here I am making one more for someone special.

McCall's 7851 is a wonderful pattern. It is well-drafted and a quick project. I might even go as far to say that this might be suitable for a beginner project.  

The only challenging part was finding a suitable needle for heavy weight thread I needed for sewing the suede. Everything on the outside is the same as the last one that I made.  

The inside is lined with silk and interfaced with a fusible interfacing.  No other changes.  

The Stats

Fabrics:  0.60 metres of cork fabric, 0.60 metres of silk and 0.40 metres of suede

Interfacing:  0.60 metres fusible

Pattern:  McCall's 7851

Basting tape:  0.30 metres

Additional Tool & Supplies:  Cutting table, weights, pins, pin cushion, tailor's chalk, clothes pins, scissors, sewing machine, walking foot, a jeans sewing machine needle.

Happy Sewing!

Monday, 22 July 2019

I've Lost Count: Vogue 1247

I've lost count how many versions of Rachel Comey's skirt design I've modified and made over the years. Many, more than half a dozen for sure. Over the years, the number sitting in my wardrobe has dwindled to one before I cut this latest version. This time, it is a black cotton sateen version that I trust  will become a go-to basic.

The pockets on this design make this the best in practical clothing options.  The fabric is a remnant cotton sateen that has been aging in the stash for six years and the last time I cut into this was back in 2014.  I really need to de-stash as there are some gems hanging out in there!  I actually forgot that I had this in the stash.  No need to pretreat the fabric, it was pre-treated half a decade ago.  I typically pre-treat my fabric before cutting in the method that I plan to use on the completed garment.  

Back to the pattern, as I mentioned I did make some modifications. That length!  That wasn't happening, and I added another twelve inches to the length and sewed a two inch hem.  I also left off the seam binding seam finish and opted for using my serger instead.

Otherwise, it was an easy afternoon of sewing to get this one done.  

The Stats

Fabric:  1.1 metres

Zipper:  8 inch invisible zipper

Snap:  1 medium sized

Basting tape:  16" length

Pattern:  Vogue 1247

Additional Supplies & Tools:  Sewing machine, walking foot, zipper foot, invisible zipper foot, screwdriver, tweezers, serger, threads, cutting table, iron, ironing board, pins, pin cushions, scissors, thread clippers, rulers, measuring tape, measuring gauge, tailor's chalk, and hand sewing needle.

Happy Sewing!

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Vogue 9370: A Work in Progress

Vogue 9370 is a lovely pattern that popped up in the latest summer 2019 collection.  This one has an asymmetrical button front and just one flaw, no pockets. Adding pockets an easy fix as I just borrowed the side pocket pattern piece from another pattern.  There now I will have a place for my keys.  

Pockets made the design perfect in my humble opinion as well as this collar.  It really is sweet.  The pattern is well-drafted so it was a easy make. Sadly, what I hoped would be my wearable muslin wasn't meant to be.  A sewing blooper occurred while sewing the front band to the right front.  

If only I followed the pattern instructions and the markings this wouldn't have happened. My only excuse is that my mind has been elsewhere. Obviously thinking that I didn't need to look at the pattern instructions and mind the markings. Yup, completely my mistake and I'm taking full ownership for this.  

So I'm going to abandon this version of Vogue 9370 for other reasons as well. Don't worry, I have intentions of revisiting this pattern in the near future.  The newer version will take into consideration some things I learned along the way.  
  1. I need to be weary of fabrics labelled 100% cotton that look like denim but don't really feel like denim.  I think this is actually a tencel faux denim except it is prone to wrinkling.  I thought that tencel doesn't wrinkle?  Perhaps, it's a rayon blend?  All I know for certain is that it's not anything I enjoyed sewing.  This fabric was an epic fail in sparking joy.  I would love to make this dress in a cotton shirting fabric.  
  2. I need to give this design a more A-line shape so that I feel more comfortable with the fit / ease around my mid-section and hips.  
  3. Remember to add pockets and that I shortened the longer length by 1 1/2 inches.  
Well, as soon as I find a suitable fabric from the fabric stash, it will be back to the drawing board with this one.  

Happy Sewing!

Monday, 1 July 2019

Could I Make a Shirt in Eight Days?

Apparently not.  Eight days ago I had big plans to make myself a Canada Day inspired shirt. Everything was all set.  I had the pattern picked out, kAtheRine Tilton's Butterick 6325, and my maple leaf print cotton was pre-treated and pressed. 

It was going to be epic. I would be a stand out at the farmer's market and the Canada Day festivities. Or maybe I would be another red and white dressed participant in the crowd. I didn't care, I would be having fun with my latest Canadian make.  

Does this ever happen to you? You have big plans and then life just happens to get in the way of sewing plans. I can certainly see the appeal of going away to sewing vacations. 

Here's a list of sewing get-a-ways that might be of interest if finding some quiet uninterrupted sewing time is what you're looking for:     

Prince Edward, Ontario, November 1 - 4, 2019

North Bay, Ontario, Various dates and themes

Edmonton, Alberta, November 22 - 24, 2019

Arnprior, Ontario, Various dates and themes

Carseland, Alberta, Various dates and themes

Rural Ontario, Various dates and themes

Humboldt, Saskatchewan, August 13, 14 and 15, 2019

These are just to name a few, there are many more in other countries and settings. You can even go on a cruise line sewing retreat! I don't know about you, but I don't think I would get much sewing done if I were on a cruise ship.   

Well, that's enough day-dreaming. I'm off to clear off the cutting table and see if I can sneak in some sewing time.  

Happy Canada Day & Happy Sewing!

Done and Stash Busted: A New Blanket

Last year, I picked up a wool sweater knit from Marcy Tilton.  It wasn't quite what I was hoping for and it just sat in the stash as I p...